What is your record between activatiob

It should read activations in the title, my fingers are too fat for my kindle
What is the record between activating 2 different hills? My personal record is about an hour, that is the time from my last contact on one hill to the first contact on the next. This includes spotting myself, working the chasers, packing up, getting to the next hill, setting up then spotting yourself. It seems my hour was well and truly beaten today by a fantastic effort of 31 minutes, I bow my head in awe !!

I tend to like Frank Zappa’s “Joe’s Garage” album.


In reply to G1INK:
31 minutes! Blimey. Wish I had a pair of those boots (or legs).

I almost killed myself getting around the 5 x 2 pointers in G/WB and GW/MW in more like 10 hours last year. Didn’t break any speed limits though!


In reply to G1INK:
In some associations there can be a number of almost close proximity drive to summits. Provided the activator complies with the SOTA rules, this is feasible with certain bands and antennas. Feel free to email me off-line if you have concerns.

I assume from the numbers you have given Steve that you are referring to OK1DIG’s transit from VY-044 to VY-050. It all depends on the terrain, proximity and road access I suppose. Plus, and here is the key I suspect, the fact remains that now we have much more sophisticated tools for determining and checking topographical prominence. Much better than when some of our older European associations were launched. Several of these are, or will be undergong reviews in order to keep our data as clean as possible and ensure all qualifying summits in the SOTA programme actually do qualify under the rules. We are aware of some that don’t and will just have to work through these as time and resources allow.

The good news is that all the more recent associations, and those being formed right now, are subject to the better analytical software we now have at our disposal, and so are “clean”.

There may be other factors involved in the case you highlight, but without a detailed look at the mapping of the area (which I haven’t done) it is impossible to say. If he moves as fast as you, you never know. You yourself have several transit times in your activator log that appear unlikely if not impossible to the vast majority of us - but you do shift yourself unusually quickly in the hills, as I recall!


In reply to M1EYP:

About 3 Miles between summits as the crow files, close road access to the activation zones. Fast maybe, but not impossible.

Thanks & 73,

Mark G0VOF

In reply to G0VOF:

Not casting any nasturtiums, just wondered if anyone had done it quicker. I won’t be breaking any records as it takes me 5 mins faffing around trying to spot myself

In reply to G1INK:

Hi Steve

The infamous 24 in 24 must require an average of last-contact to first-contact of less than an hour - so some must be much less than an hour.

Didn’t you do that one in the past?

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

To put this in perspective, the record for doing the fourteen three-thousand foot peaks in Snowdonia is held by Colin Donnelly (unless somebody has beaten him recently) and he did it in 4 hours and 19 minutes. In the process he went over six SOTA summits. Incidentally, the women’s record is held by Angela Carson who did it in 5 hours 28 minutes. I’m afraid that few if any SOTAeers could match that kind of speed. Add five minutes per summit for four quick pre-arranged 2 m contacts on a handy and somebody with Donnelly’s speed could do all six SOTA summits plus the run-off over Foel Fras and Foel Grach in less than five hours. Do it in the bonus period and this could net 72 points in five hours!

Come to think of it, if the run continues to Drum then you might as well add in GW/NW-040!

We’ve got a long way to go…


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

I was wondering…What about all those chasers who are waiting ? If of course done on VHF or higher I can assume that this will only work with pre-arranged qso’s.

A reason again to divide VHF’ers and higher from HF’ers in the results per country.

Enjoy the fast trips for those who like it :slight_smile:


In reply to G3CWI:

Didn’t DDQ and ZZO do that in 24 hours?? I seem to remember reading about!! Surely they would be the better people to ask??

Matt G8XYJ

In reply to G1INK:
Are there any notable known stats on #SOTA Activations / on foot ascent / total distance / 24 hours ?

In reply to M1EYP:

I think you should stick closer to church oriented social activities.

In reply to M0EIQ:

Ha ha. FB Richard.

Careful though with the in-jokes. Remember SOTA Mornington Crescent?


In reply to G1INK:

Well, Gyrn Moelfre GW/NW-049 is a well used hang glider launch point.
3Km away, and 182 metres lower, is Myndd-y-briw GW/NW-060.

I think this provides the opportunity for several firsts ;o)


In reply to ON6UU:
Here in VK I think double points for VHF/UHF would be appropriate as many of our summits are quite remote form civilisation. VK8 comes on line this weekend and their summits are all at the back of beyond so to speak.