A very nice article in the February edition of the ARRL’s QST magazine about Steve, Peanuts, Rooster and SOTA. It was very interesting to hear about Steve’s background and how he came about getting his lovely pets to help him in the mountains.
Being also a fly fisherman like Steve, I can relate to his allusion about something being like “fishing with an empty hook”. I have a funny story about that involving a friend and fellow SOTA goer but I shall keep it offline
The other activator in the article, identified in one of the pictures, is Clay, NF1R, who is one of only four regular Sota climbers in the San Francisco Bay area.
Here is another goat picture, from Pacificon 2012. From left to right is a goat that Steve borrowed, then K6EL, KW6Y, her husband N6ZA (California association manager), WG0AT, reporter dude K6DGW, KH2TJ and bicycle activator N6IZ.
It’s a great article, I read it this morning on my iphone, moving the text around the screen to see the text. Very positive on SOTA, a good human interest story too, pics good. Well done everyone involved, including the goats. Some typical Steve humour there in the captions and the photos.
I have wondered why QST doesn’t seem to mention SOTA much at all, so hopefully with NPOTA this year and the adoption of more portable operation there will be an increase in mentions.