Wendover Woods - G/CE-005

I needed to activate two more summits to get an Activation Complete for G/CE. Wendover Woods was one of these two

Friday saw the XYL and myself heading to Hook Norton Brewery for a tour [Free 1/2 pint samples at the end :slight_smile: ] and a look at the shire horses.
We over nighted in Aylesbury, which meant this gave a short drive in the wrong direction to get to Wendover Woods - G/CE-005 on Saturday morning before heading to Silverstone race circuit for a marshals dinner dance.

Wendover Woods - We took the decision to use the car park at Wendover Woods which gave easy access to the cafe and loo’s if needed.
Entrance to the carpark is via a long single track tarmacked road and then entry via ANPR controlled barrier - Pay on exit via card only at the paystation.
Parked up and got sorted. XYL visited the cafe while I walked off to the woods.

I setup in the woods to the left of the track that goes down the hill behind the cafe. A few odd looks from people, some stopping to ask questions and a couple of nosey dogs came to say hello.

I spotted and started on 2m and got 4 contacts. Re-spotted on 7.085mhz and made 14 contacts and one being a s2s with BH9EAJ/P on HB/BE-012

The setup - FT-857 and a 4200mah zippy battery
2m roll up antenna and a 20/40m linked dipole

Antennas - HF antenna was strung above head height between the trees and then telescopic mast leaning agains the tree, very little wind so no need to guy.

Contacts into GI - thanks Esther, GM, GW, France and Switzerland



Good to work you yesterday on 2m FM, and I’m glad all worked out in the end with the activation. Hope you didn’t get the classic “are you fishing?” comment from passing members of the public!

73, Matthew M0JSB

Cheers Matthew, I think I might have got that question. On the whole the ones that stopped appeared interested and amazed I would make Europe!


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