Welsh Borders Single Point Hills Activation - Satu

Hi Folks,

I plan to activate the following on Satuday 30th March:

G/WB-018 View Edge 1 point
G/WB-014 Burrow 1 Point
G/WB-015 Callow Hill 1 Point
G/WB-012 High Vinnals 1 Point

It is likely to be a 144mhz ssb & 145mhz FM day, but if I can get my hands on the Telford Society KX3, then perhaps a little HF will be in order too. Will post alerts Friday and hope to work several of you!

Nice easy 4 points to gain in a day, all without having to travel more than 10 miles of my home QTH of Craven Arms in Shropshire.



In reply to 2E0CHV:

Hello Simon, good luck. I do hope you bag the KX3 for HF :wink:

I doubt my little Kenwood handie would be heard by you on FM! Last time you were operating the Club KX you were a good signal down here.

In any event enjoy your day!


In reply to G6TUH:

Thanks Mike,

I am off to club tomorrow evening, so hope to bag the KX3. If that is the case, I may well activate a couple of the hills on HF and a couple of them on VHF, thus giving an opportunity to everyone.

Fingers crossed the white stuff has dissapeared and I had better remember my hand warmer and thermals!


In reply to 2E0CHV:

Hi Folks,

I plan to activate the following on Satuday 30th March:

Hi Simon,

If the WX behaves itself, hopefully we can make some s2s.

Fingers crossed.

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0CHV:


Hope you have a successful day out. Hope to listen out for you.

It is just possible we will be out somewhere too but walking rather than activating.


In reply to 2E0YYY:

Hi Mike,

Will be great to catch you Saturday weather permitting…
I will be QRV on HF and 2metres, hopefully with my friend John M0JZH.

Will post alerts with timings tomorrow evening


In reply to M0JLA:

Hopefully the weather will be reasonably kind to us all Rod. Fingers crossed!!

In reply to 2E0CHV:

Hello Simon, so you bagged the KX3 - excellent :sunglasses:

"…I will be QRV on HF and 2metres, hopefully with my friend John M0JZH. "

Hope you hear me over the hols.

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

Hi Mike,

I have indeed bagged the KX3… very happy bunny and the only thing that has cheered me up in an awful week!

I look forward to working you on 7mhz, hopefully there will not be a darn contest in full swing!


In reply to 2E0CHV:

Hello Simon,

You have just prompted me to check 8-(


I am sure you will be ok it does not start until late.

Let us see.

Bye for now


CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB: 0000Z, Mar 30 to 2359Z, Mar 31
Mode: SSB
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op All Band (QRP/Low/High)(Tribander/Rookie)
Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low/High)(Tribander/Rookie)
Single Op Assisted All Band (QRP/Low/High)(Tribander/Rookie)
Single Op Assisted Single Band (QRP/Low/High)(Tribander/Rookie)
Max operating hours: Single Op: 36 hours with offtimes of at least 60 minutes
Multi-Op: 48 hours
Max power: HP: 1500 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts

In reply to G6TUH:

Hi Mike,

Should be ok. Fingers crossed!!! Will list timings for activation later tomorrow evening. will aim for aound 7.118 and 14.285 at each point.


In reply to 2E0CHV:
Simon and John have agreed for me to join them tomorrow. It’ll alleviate severe cabin fever! I’ll activate the summits on 60m and hope to get the old FK FL FE or FM spot frequencies as they’re still in the 817 memory. I wrote the band plan down in the Rite in the Rain notebook just in case - it’s a tough one to remember. I hope for an S2S with G8TMV. I guess they’ll be on 17m with all the contest refugees.

After that I’ll be out during international Marconi Day where Simon runs the Tywyn station with the Telford club on 20 April. I go to help set up, operate a little and then head for the hills. I should be QRV from Ffridd Cocyn and Gamallt at some point 19 / 20 April

73 es sd

David M0YDH

In reply to M0YDH:

Hi Folks,

Added alerts to site.
John M0JZH, David M0YDH and I are activating my three closest SOTA summits, none of them more than 5 miles from my home QTH :slight_smile:

11:00 WB-015 Callow Hill.
I plan to start 144.300-SSB and then move to 7.118-ssb, possibly onto 14.285 if time and conditions allow. John M0JZH will be on 2metres and possibly HF too.
David M0YDH will be QRV on 60 metres.

13:00 WB-018 View Edge. An unremarkable hill which is no walk at all and can be activated yards from a vehicle. This may be our shortest activation of the day.
I plan to start 145-fm for a change. Maybe hf afterwards if we are not all fed of this little hill! David M0YDH is planning 60 metres again.

15:00 G/WB-014 Burrow
I plan to start on 144.300ssb, maybe moving to hf if weather, time and inclination allows.

I must say now that we will be on our first summit from approx depending on how
quickly we motivate ourselves! This is planned to be a very gentle day out.

I look forward to speaking with many chasers throughout the day.



In reply to 2E0CHV:
Hello Simon

Looks like you are going to have a fun day out, I hope we make a S2S on one or two

Till tomorrow


In reply to 2E0CHV:


Apologies for not completing the QSO but my neighbour came up on 145.400 and totally swamped your signal. He must have picked up the mike while I was responding to you. We are less than 100m apart and even a decent radio offers no solution. (IC-910 or TR-751)

Hope you all had a good day.
