Welsh Borders 5

Hi all a quick catch up from today’s activations. Left home 7:35 from Telford and headed to Brown Clee G/WB-002 for my first activation. Parked at SO585869 at 8:21 a.m. I managed the summit by 8:43 so I was ahead of schedule. I managed 9 qso’s including my first with G4BML (Ben).
I left the summit by 9:00 a.m and headed towards summit no 2 Titterstone Clee G/WB-004. I managed to arrive at the summit by 10:30. Again another 9 qso’s on very very windy summit.
Summit no 3 of the day was Corndon Hill GW/MW-013. On my arrival to the summit I met with M0RWX (Rob) who had just finished his activation. We had a few pleasant just before he left for his next summit. I only managed 9 qso’s here and I was glad to get off the most windy summit of the day.
Summit no 4 of the day was Stiperstones G/WB-003. As I arrived I net up with Rob from the previous summit and we decided to do a combined activation. We managed 5 qso’s then by coincidence Rob amd myself had planned to end the day at Long Mynd Pole Bank G/WB-005. So again decided on a joint activation. Another 5 qso’s bagged and all 5 summits activated.
Thanks for a great day to all the chasers.
Especially to G4BML Ben and M0RWX Rob. A pleasure to meet you both.



Well done, thanks for the QSOs today
I think I’m doing well if I manage two in a day, but then I don’t really do mornings :wink:



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It was great to meet you and it was a pleasure activating two summits together!
Until the next time. Either in person or on the air.

73, Robert


Thanks Paul for sharing your report and photos. Noted you sigs badge, I was also in sigs in VK, really enjoyed my time in sigs. Now retired,

Cheers, Geoff vk3sq