Well hill complete

Keen to make the most of the winter bonus period and using up holidays that I can’t carry over to 2025, I 've been up a couple of hills this week.
Yesterday afternoon was Kirkland hill GM/SS-164, an interesting drive down the B740 and out on a single track road into the hills.
The B740 might get a MCsota visit in the summer to let some of the Triumph ponies out for a gallop through the twisties.
The forecast was for the weather to be sunny in the afternoon, well it was cold and showery instead. I set up my shelter and settled in for sota. 40m seemed very long skip with East European stations fading in on top. A spot on 15m produced the most intense pile up I’ve dealt with so far, 12 qso’s in 6 minutes. Asking for EA stations didn’t help since there were three at once. I ended up going with last letter of suffix to separate them out. The showers and the cold got to me and I came down and headed for home, the hill was a bit squelchy with the rain.
Today’s forecast was for better weather in the morning, so I set off early for Well hill GM/SS-112 hoping for a complete since I had chased it last year. It had been clear sky over night so there was ice on the puddles and a crust on the boggy bits of the hill, also a bitter north westerly wind.
I startled a couple of Roe deer at the start of the walk and flushed a brace of Grouse further on. The track is easy to follow along the old Roman road until you cut up to the right on an ATV track before a gate. There are grouse butts so I guess that’s what the track is for. It leads all the way to the confluence of fences at the summit.
The wind was very strong at the summit so I set up my shelter a wee bit lower on the Lee side.
I started on 40m and had to move to avoid qrm then saw a spot for Alan @MM0VPM M0VPM on Trahenna hill GM/SS-143, we had a quick s2s on 2m and that was a complete for me. Happy days, it turns out that one qso got me two completes since I had an s2s from Trahenna hill to Well hill last year. I had a few more qso’s on 15m, one more on 2m and then my toes were numb and it was time to go. After getting my torso cold yesterday I had raided my diving kit for my Damart thermal vest which made a difference to my core temp. but couldn’t help my toes.

Well hill summit with Green lowther behind covered in cloud.
Since I came down early I had time to scope out the start point for Hods hill, GM/SS-131 on the way back.


You will need your Bog Snorkelling gear for that one!


He’s already wearing half his diving kit :sweat_smile:

Good to work you Andy MOX, forgot my Rh770 antenna, sorry folks. That will teach me to decide at 6am that I’m going to go up a hill…



You can’t scare me, I waded up Blackhope scar a couple of weeks ago !

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Heed the warning about Hods Hill. I recall uneven wet ground and it being a bit of a slog. Maybe your route will be a bit better than the one Paul G4MD and myself took in a very wet February back in 2014. I remember it for the walk in.

Somehow I managed to miss you on Well Hill… I actually enjoyed that one before the yomp over to Ballencleuch. I’ve yet to determine what makes a hill enjoyable or not. I think the weather plays a major part.

73, Gerald

P.S. After almost 19 years activating, I’ve not yet found a solution to cold feet. I tried thermal socks, but it appears that since my feet usually aren’t very warm, then there’s not much heat for the thermal socks to retain. I’ve yet to resort to boot warmers, but have the boots warmed by the car heater before I start. I did get an improvement when I started taking Nifedipine for my Raynauds, but that’s not actually a solution.


For Hods Hill GM/SS-131 follow the re-routed track from the dam. It’s not too bad. There were some civil engineering works there when I was last August that caused a restriction. I think the restriction was for loaded and unloading lorries. I also met some guys there who were they to survey the Gas pipe for some sort of upgrade to the protection system.

Out of interest for Blackhope Scar GM/SS-094 which route did you use ?

73 de

Andrew G(M)4VFL

The one using a helicopter is my suggestion!

I’ll dig out my route from the past and post it later.

Hi Andrew,
We (MM7MOX & MM0UHR) parked at the wee triangle parking area next to Gladhouse resevoir and walked from there. This route was suggested by Alan MM0VPM. It takes you through the farm and up past the ruined Hirendean castle. This route was 13km round trip. It was pretty soggy with crusty snow lying in amongst it. The views out to Arthurs seat and Edinburgh were good from there.
For Hods hill I was thinking to follow the Southern Upland way from the marker post at the end of the Dam, there seemed to be a suitable parking space right opposite the marker post that wouldn’t get in the way of any traffic.

Hi Gerald,

Sorry about missing you from Well hill yesterday. 40m was a bit weird the last couple of days, seemed to be long skip bringing in a lot of louder stations on top of my spot. I moved yesterday but it didn’t bring in anymore traffic. One of my local chasers in Edinburgh couldn’t hear me due to adjacent channel QRM. I know Alan MM0VPM had trouble with somebody interfering on his 40m frequency yesterday. 15m was not too bad but I got no takers on 17m and then my toes were numb…
My feet are ok when I’m moving, it’s just when I sit that they get really cold. Usually I’m up and down changing the links on the dipole which helps, but in the cold wind I didn’t do much of that.

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That’s the route we used in April. There were avoidable flooded sections on the track through the valley and it was boggy in places higher up but nothing too nasty. We needed to choose our operating positions to avoid boggy bits at the summit.


Gerald, RE cold feet. In winter I use the stick-on heat packs in ski boots and hiking boots. They help quite a bit and are good for 4-6 hours.


Many thanks for that suggestion Pat. I’ll have a look for a suitable supply. The situation has changed considerably since I started taking medication for Raynauds and I no longer get white fingers and toes, but it doesn’t go as far as giving me warm hands and feet when it’s cold on the hills… and for cold I mean anything below 10C / 50F. :hushed:

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Bog snorkelling gear is packed for an attempt on Hods hill GM/SS-131 tomorrow.
Hopefully I can get the gap between the cold wind overnight and the rain forecast in the afternoon.


I never had trouble with cold feet until I needed to take medication for high blood pressure. Now it is more of a problem. My solution was to walk “hot” in winter and this seems to force circulation to my toes…

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I have to work in the morning but I’ll monitor the spots just in case.

Unfortunately with Raynauds this doesn’t work. I can be really hot when I am ascending hills, but my feet are still quite cold. Taking Nifedipine has improved matters, but the circulation in my extremities (toes, fingers and nose) remains restricted. Even applying heat does not always make much of an improvement, but I’m going to try what has been suggested to see whether the situation improves.