Weinbiet DM/RP-287 activation on 20240829 - noise S9+

Hi all, I was on Weinbiet DM/RP-287 yesterday to visit my very first activation again, but had strong crackling noise up to S9+ on all bands with my vertical and the KX3, which I could only mitigate a bit with NR. I’m not sure if the QRM was from the nearby transmission tower or if it was QRN? I could therefore work only 5 stations, but I am sure I heard some very weak signals from other stations not able to get over the noise. So please excuse me for not answering your calls! My next activation on the Hollenberg was in the clear without QRM or QRN… Vy 73 and 44, Alex - DH2ID


Hallo Alex

Es gibt viele summits mit einem unglaublich hohen QRM. Besonders schlimm ist es auch auf dem Brocken DM/SA-001.

73 Armin


Hi Alex, great report and photos. Tell me, what does the sign say; what does it celebrate.

Geoff vk3sq


The sign tells us that the building was erected from 1926 to 1928 by the local club Ortsgruppe Gimmeldingen https://www.pwv-gimmeldingen.de/
The Pfälzer Wald (the Palatinate Forest) with it‘s beautiful landscape an big nature reserves is great for walking and - of course - SOTA :slight_smile:


Danke für die Info! Den Brocken hab ich nächstes Jahr eingeplant :mountain_snow: