Weber tri-bander

I’m looking for a rig for 17m & 15m cw, the weber tri-bander looks like a likely candidate fitting my frugal requirements of power and cash consumption.

Does anyone have one of these rigs? I’m sure it performs well, as do Steve’s other designs.


In reply to MM0GYX:
I have one set up for 40-30-20 meters. It is a joy to operate and has replaced my IC-703 in the camping rig.

In reply to MM0GYX:

Steve announced recently that a new batch of MTRs will be available sometime this month.

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Yes, I’m watching that one closely too. M0CGH said he’d build it for me, possibly can’t remember though. (-: Not sure about smd.

I don’t think it has an option for 15 or 17, though it may be possible to add. The tribander is a good price though at $240 delivered. I’m close to going for that one.


In reply to MM0GYX:

Steve Weber’s design for the MTR won’t do 17m or higher - see this message:


In reply to K7ATN:

Thanks Etienne, tribander it is then.


In reply to MM0GYX:


I have a Weber Tri-bander that I have been using since November. The build was pretty straight forward and I LOVE the radio. I opted for 40m,20m, and 15m. Not only is it my SOTA rig but I also use it alot from home. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed at all. Its a great rig and you can’t beat the price of 3 HF bands.


In reply to MM0GYX:

Its a great rig and you can’t beat the price of 3 HF bands.


Unless you can find yourself an ATS4 which will give you 5 bands!
Luckily I have one. Mine covers 40, 30, 20, 15 and 17m.
And they were cheaper than the tribander!
(They change hands at extortionate prices now - )

However mine is not for sale, in fact I’d get rid of my KX3 long before the ATS and MTR (80/60) had to go.
Steve produces great radios.


In reply to MM0GYX:

Hi Ian,

Sorry, only just read this post, it’s been a busy weekend.

Yes, I offered my services for building, I’m a bit short of projects at the moment. I have far too many rigs for myself now, so I’m looking to build for others.

I’m hoping the ordering for the new MTR’s will open up soon. It’s a shame that the MTR won’t do any bands higher than 20m, but there has to be limitations somewhere and there’s an awful lot squeezed into that little mint tin!

Good luck with the Tribander should you buy one :slight_smile: (go on - you know you want to!)

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

The 20m limitation on the ATS-3 (and lower) and MTR has to do with the 40 MHz clock. The ATS-4 and Tribander use a higher clock (60 MHz) so they can cover 17 and 15.

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to M0CGH:

Hi Colin,

I have done, I selected the 30, 17 and 15 flavours. Good for when it’s a contest weekend. Just hopeful the tax man won’t notice it. He’s been a bit hit and miss of late for me, probably got me 25% of the time.

I’m keeping my eye on the mtr group also.


In reply to MM0GYX:

Well if he does miss it then I’m sending my imports via your Post Office. I got stung for VAT and handling charges on the last 3 things I’ve brought in. The last one was only £2 into the chargeable limit but with the £8 handling change it really hurt.


In reply to W4ZV:

That’s how I understand it Bill. I’m not really up on digital signal generation but Steven’s explanation is that a higher reference frequency would induce a higher current requirement and that goes against the ethos of the MTR, which is designed to be as efficient as possible.

The MTR is a superb radio I would never part with mine!

Ian - that’s great news, I’m a little jealous :wink:

73, Colin

In reply to W4ZV:

The 20m limitation on the ATS-3 (and lower) and MTR has to do with the
40 MHz clock. The ATS-4 and Tribander use a higher clock (60 MHz) so
they can cover 17 and 15.

Just to be clear, the ATS3B also has the 60MHz clock and so covers 80, 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Just to be clear, the ATS3B also has the 60MHz clock and so covers 80,
40, 30, 20, 17 and 15

Correct Colin. The change to 60 MHz was between the ATS-3A and ATS-3B models. I should have said ATS-3A and lower in my post. Thanks for the correction!

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to MM0FMF:

I feel your pain Andy. Before we moved to Elgin we were charged without fail.


In reply to MM0GYX:

Weber Tribander on 15, 17 and 30 metres is born.

The build was quite simple, there was some case wiring to do, but the quality of the hook up wire was very good. It was a little hot with 12 volts (over 6 watts out on 30m) and the fets were getting a little too warm for my liking, so some tweaking of the lp toroids and I have between 4.5 & 5 watts on all bands.

It draws between 60 & 90 mA on receive, depending on the band; it has relays to select the band which aren’t the latching kind. On transmit it draws 650mA at the previously mentioned dc voltage and power output.

All in all a nice compact 3 bander that should be a good companion on sota activations.

Oh, and it was delivered direct without vat Andy.



In reply to MM0GYX:

Sounds great Ian.
Look forward to hearing it on the air, although that will likely have to be on 30m, unless there’s some anomalous propagation!
I’m sure it will be a great rig. Steve certainly knows his stuff.
Just awaiting my MTR here…


In reply to MM0GYX:

In reply to MM0GYX:

Weber Tribander on 15, 17 and 30 metres is born.

Congrats Ian, hope to work you soon! That’s a nice radio.

Was the Tribander’s front panel silk-screened, decal’d, or blank?

Barry N1EU

In reply to N1EU:
The Tribander I built 2 years ago had decals. I believe they still come with decals.

No need to mention I got rid of hem.