Amazing summer weather in the DM/BW area close to DM/BW-099 Achalm, near Reutlingen!
Info on link to the BBC website about the massive hail storm there.
The DM/BW area is loved by SOTA Activators and Chasers for its easy access to high scoring summits. It’s not a million miles from Friedrichshafen and is fairly close to Liechenstein HB0.
interesting that this was on BBC news! I passed through Reutlingen to pick up my daughter from a summer camp just before it happened (the sky looked already threatening). Less than an hour later - on the way back - we got stuck in a huge traffic jam. Roads were full of ice and water about a foot high.
S5 and OE/KT is also heavyly hit be rain leading to flooding. Villages are cut off and are supplied by helicopter.
Hiker from PA are still missing. Two got killed by lightning apparently.