I’ve been using a G90 very successfully for my activations thus far. I’m now looking for a more waterproof solution to carrying it in my pack.
Has anyone used an Aquapac (or similar) waterproof bag for these and, if so, what specific size/capacity bag did you use?
Denis MW0CBC
Hi Denis
I bought one of these for my G90 which is perfect size for it.
I put this in a dry bag (Exped - Red one, which I think is 8 litre/Medium).
I use bubble-wrap around my G90 radio, and a PE plastic sandwich box to hold it, and which also has room for the power-lead, microphone, the paper log-book and a couple of linen kitchen towels.
Went flying off a track last Friday after a SOTA activation, and tumbled head-over-heels 20 meters bashing my head and every other bit of me sticking out- had to stay overnight in hospital while they stitched me up, put me through the CAT scan, and generally checked me out. Lost my spectacles, sun-hat, and a collapsible walking-stick, and ripped my favourite Rohan walking pants. The radio didn’t even wake from its pretty slumbers.
Those storage bags sure look nice, though…
At least it was after the activation though
Serously though, thanks for the suggestion and glad to hear you (an the G90) survived.
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Reminds me of a trip down to Lima through the Andes on my XL250. Attempting to swim the bike back to shore after being washed downstream crossing a deep scoured-out channel in the middle of what was usually a reasonable river crossing. A woman washing blankets on the riverbank gave me an absolute ear-bashing - ‘You men are all the same, all you could think about was saving your bike. Did you ever think of how it would be for your family if you drowned …?’
Glad you came though it OK, if battered.
I likewise have switched to using a plastic lunchbox now I have ditched the bulletproof FT818 for a TX500. The frustration is the lunchbox weighs nearly as much as the radio. But peace of mind is worth a few hundred grams. The form-factor of these SDR radios makes the choice of plastic boxes that fit them well very limited.
Nice story, thanks .
These boxes can be a little heavy - I previously was using one at exactly 500g which fit the FT-857 I used to have, but am now using one around 300g - the G90 radio fits it like a charm sideways/lengthways, and there’s room above for the other few bits. Mind you, the radio itself is a bit heavy, but I do like it, and I don’t have a lot of spare cash lying around to get anything else.
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