Walt, G3NYY SK

I just read that the death of one time SOTA chaser, Walt Davidson G3NYY, is reported in the June 2024 Radcom.

He last posted on here in May 2020 and I was wondering how he was doing as he didn’t show up on any of the message boards or on the air for some time. Walt was someone who was always forthright in stating his views as many people will have noted :wink: Comments sections of websites etc. are somewhat tamer in his absence.

RIP Walt.


Sorry to read that. Walt was also an activator. Quite a character.


Sorry to hear that Walt G3NYY has passed away, my condolences to his family. This sad news happens to be a coincidence though as Walt G3NYY lived in Tewkesbury as my dad Tom @M1EYP is travelling there today with my mum Marianne for a family meal there this evening and are staying overnight there also tonight.

Jimmy M0HGY


Very sad. Walt was a frequent entry in my early SOTA days as he was in easy 2m range of our local hills. He appears /P several times - mostly on the easy Herefordshire summits but on more distant ones too. Having not worked him since May 2016 I often wondered as we walked up Bredon Hill. I don’t suppose he has had an easy 8 years since so glad he is now at rest.

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Sad news. In my log so many times. Always had a chat as he had connections in my part of Wales. Thanks for posting Andy.

RIP Walt

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And Walt as GW3NYY was a winner of RSGB CW Contests as well, especially on 160m in the 1980s…

Walt was a prolific activator for a lengthy period - I Chased Walt 41 times in CW/SSB on summits as @G3NYY/P between 2009 & 2016. So sorry to see so many well known operators passing on.

73 Phil SV9/G4OBK/P

73 Phil

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I’d completely forgotten Walt used to activate. I only remember him chasing me. I do remember him giving me lots of encouragement the way Roy G4SSH used to do when I was first using CW.


Yes, and many comments on the reflector too, a real character.


Those of us that are left from the days of GW8GT (Red Dragon Contest Group) will remember Walt with great fondness, RIP Walt it was good to be your friend.

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