WAB Trigpoint Award

I just read about the new Worked All Britain WAB trig point award being introduced in 2015.

They have awards for activators and chasers and as there are 6000 trig points in the UK it offers another incentive to get out /p, especially for those like me who live in vertically challenged areas :wink:

I can imagine for activators there’s quite the potential for doubling up, where the Trigpoint is in the SOTA activation area :grinning:

James M0JCQ

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Discussed here:

One already collects the WAB square from the trig point
so be even more collecting them next year

not far off now


Hello James,

The WAB Trig point award is a really good idea. My earliest book number is 4445 and I used to go out and about for giving out WAB squares and so the trig award may tempt me to go to a few secondary trig points near me. There is one about 5 miles from here next to a disused windmill. It will be interesting :sunglasses: There are also a few SOTA summits near me so perhaps a double up…


sounds good to me


Tom and I are keen. We even called into the 40m WAB net today to hone our WAB skills. We learned a lot from the experts.

Hello Richard,

Just got back from the afternoon walk in the forest - nippy.

Not sure about WAB “experts” ( a back hand remark?) but certainly 100% better operating behaviour judging from my listening of SOTA chasers.

There are some some SOTA chasers who, when they pop up, I almost pray they will be worked just to get rid of them - rather than listen to their callsign bleating.

Time for tea.

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You have adequately described the WAB net this afternoon Mike. Same old issues. Chasers calling when not called. Stations doubling with each other. Stations assuming they were in QSO when they weren’t. Stations assuming a good contact had been made when it hadn’t. Stations relaying the report onto chasers if the chaser couldn’t hear the other station. If that’s 100% better operating than SOTA, then I dread to think what SOTA SSB is like.

Then again, I do HF SSB on my SOTA and it isn’t bad at all.

I notice that the WAB folks updated their guidelines on the conduct of nets on Boxing Day:

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Now is there a Trig-to-Trig Award? The triple ‘T’ :laughing:



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I seem to recall that Roy Rogers had a horse called Trigger. Perhaps the ideal companion for this award?

Hello James,

One of my Christmas presents was this:


I read/scanned through it this morning. Excellent information and I did not realise there was so many trig points around me!

I have been out today but just turned on the radio and listening to the chasers for Fred F6IPR on F/VL-080. Just heard one chaser tell another to f’ off - great. I think I will go back to reading my book…



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I take it this is predominately a SSB/FM activity?
I’ve yet to hear any CW nets.
Tell me I’m not looking in the right place.


Looking here - Worked All Britain Web Site - W.A.B. Nets - I found this:

Suggested Frequencies:
On the following frequencies, W.A.B. activity can generally be found. Remember these frequencies may be occupied by other QSO’s already in progress. If that is the case please be prepared to move either up or down the band before forming a net. If no activity is heard then try calling yourself, you may be surprised at the response.

WAB Net Frequencies
BAND (m) SSB (MHz.) CW (MHz.)
160 1.933-1.95 1.85
80 3.76 3.57
40 7.160 7.035
20 14.265 14.035
15 21.32 21.035
10 28.655 28.035
6 50.15 –
2 144.345 –

Weekly 2m nets run on Friday evenings at 2030 hours (UK local time) and Sunday mornings at 1030 hours (UK local time).

Saying that, I think pretty much everything is on 7.160MHz SSB +/- QRM.

I would anticipate no response except on 7.160 and sometimes 3.760.

Yes the NET is mostly on SSB… 7.160 or 3.760 around… Not lot of station on CW… Trying for some times this year to complete Saphire award on CW but… ;-(
So does someone have made a list with the Trigpoint on SOTA ??? (I’m interesting mostly in G/SE’s one…006 010 011 014 but the other also… Some help ???)
It’s for the springs days ! Hiii !
Thanks all Chasers and Activatosr for this new good year enjoying SOTA…
Best Wishes


I have almost completed G,GW &GD should have GM by Tuesday but can’t do GI as I don’t have any NI maps…

A some of interesting things came out

  1. There’s no reference for SC-001
  2. The ref for SB-001 is with the Scottish list
  3. Three of them are referenced to SNG? obviously a typo should be ENG

Happy SOTAing in the new year


Yes, I was surprised just looking at the Trigpoint website, loads to activate which is good if you live in a relatively flat area, as we do! It’s just another reason to get out /p and enjoy this hobby we share.

Sad to hear about the behaviour on that activation, I’ve yet to encounter anything that bad, but if I did as an activator I wouldn’t be having a QSO with them that’s for sure!

Hello James,
Yes indeed.
Well I think 2015 will be interesting :wink:
HNY and good luck.

First pass for those who want to contemplate which SOTA summits have a trig point. This is very rough and needs a format and sort but here 693 SOTA summits that have a trigpoint within 100m.

Now edited see below.