WAB Golden Squares

WAB (the Worked All Britain award) is this year celebrating its 50th anniversary. In relation to this they are running several extra awards. Of particular interest is the WAB Golden Squares Award.

WAB squares are the 10-km squares of the Ordnance Survey British grid (and similarly in GI, or the 10-km MGRS grid squares in GJ and GU). The WAB square is obtained by discarding all but the first digits of the easting and northing numbers from the grid reference. For example my local summit, G/SP-001, at grid SK 084875, is in WAB square SK08.

So what’s special about a Golden Square?

This is any 10-km WAB square for which the number part is ‘50’.

Now we come to the SOTA part. Which SOTA summits are within this set of Golden WAB Squares…?

I grabbed all the UK & CD summits from the summitslist.csv download into QGIS (actually any ordinary spreadsheet would do), extracted the WAB squares using simple string operations on the GridRef1 values, and then selected only those which end in ‘50’. Here is the result:

SummitCode SummitName GridRef WAB Square
G/SE-011 Wilmington Hill TQ 548034 TQ50
G/SP-017 Billinge Hill SD 525014 SD50
G/TW-001 Urra Moor - Round Hill NZ 594015 NZ50
G/TW-002 Cringle Moor - Drake Howe NZ 537029 NZ50
GI/SM-020 Crockdooish C 529024 C50
GM/CS-059 Meall na h-Aisre NH 515000 NH50
GM/ES-068 Craiglich NJ 533054 NJ50
GM/SI-161 Sgurr nan Caorach NG 593030 NG50
GM/SI-195 Valla Field HP 584079 HP50
GM/SS-023 Ben Ledi NN 562098 NN50
GM/SS-134 Meall Gainmheich NN 509095 NN50
GM/SS-207 Beinn Dearg NN 589038 NN50
GM/SS-223 Craig of Monievreckie NN 547020 NN50
GW/SW-036 Mynydd Sylen SN 515080 SN50

And here they are on a map:

Basemap ©Crown copyright 2019 Ordnance Survey. Media 009/19

Note the usual caveat about coordinates and activation zones. I haven’t checked, but it might be possible to activate some of these summits from an adjacent square (i.e. not the golden one). Likewise there could be other summits which, whilst not recorded as within a 50 square, perhaps have an AZ stretching over a 50 square boundary. So do check.

Anyway, just a bit of fun. Helen and I activated G/SP-017 recently, but it turns out that’s the only Golden Square summit anything like local to us.

Activating all of the WAB Golden Square summits (14 of them) over 2019 looks like quite a challenge. For example, GM/SI-195 is the second-most northerly GM summit, whilst G/SE-011 is right down on the south coast.


I’ve already done Craig of Monievreckie this year. 1 down… 4 to go!

Just out of interest, if anyone is collecting the golden squares, I am in SK50, many thanks for all your activations.
Keen G0FEX

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And I was fortunate to grab it on the first day of the year!

I was highly delighted to work several WAB’ers, including Dave G4IAR using GB50WAB, from GM/SS-023 Ben Ledi (NN50) earlier this week :grinning:

73 de Paul G(M)4MD(/P)


You certainly are Ken and a call from you is always appreciated :rofl:

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‘Heads up’ I’ll be activating…

GM/SI-161, Sgurr nan Caorach - 281m, 1 Point…
Isle of Skye last week in April.

73 Allan GW4VPX


We have GI/SM-020 Crockdooish on the list for a few days either side of 20th May - the usual 2m, 70cm FM and HF ssb if dry enough.
Rod (& Viki. M6BWA/P)


Not while we’re all at Blackpool, I hope, Allan!

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:joy::joy: :+1: …few days before