WA7JTM wrong summit reference Aug 24

contacts on aug 24, 2013 from 1830 to 1940 UTC were from W7A/YV-082 NOT YV-025.

Strange things happen in the rain…



In reply to WA7JTM:
Pete, Thanks for the clarification. Great job today! 73, Gene KC3RT

In reply to KC3RT:

Tnx Gene. Seems like conditions were way down today. We had remnants of a tropical storm pass thru AZ today…fist peak YV-026 was heavy rain, lightning, and lotsa mud. Had to cut things short and get out while I still could. Second peak YV-082 had better weather, but still band conditions seemed way down.

Were conditions bad today or was it an Arizona (or JTM) thing?

Tnx for being there!



In reply to WA7JTM:

Pete - band conditions were worse than usual overall. I admire your dedication to summit during an electrical storm. Not the place to be when it is lightning all around. I know - I’ve been in your shoes before and it’s a bit scary.

Gene KC3RT