WA6KYR - Silent Key

According to the website for the San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club, https://w6sd.com/ , Richard Donner WA6KYR, age 79, passed away on July 12, 2024. I had worked Richard dozens of times, both as an activator and chaser, mostly on CW. I had also met Richard on several occasions. He is listed as the #8 chaser in the W6 Association with 28,081 points.

He will be missed on the airwaves from Southern California.

Scott WA9STI WA6LE (club call)


That is sad to hear Scott. Also had quite a few QSOs with Richard in my activator log, last one just in Dec. He will be missed.


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Sorry to hear that Richard WA6KYR is now silent key. My condolences to his family.

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I did not know Richard personally, but this really makes me sad. He is in my logbook many times.


Well, sorry to hear about that. I had worked Richard several SOTA QSOs and also several OSCAR QSOs. Good luck in the big hamshack in the sky OM!
John, K6YK

So very sad. I always spent some time with Richard at Pacificon and his XYL. Worked him many times.

Don, NK6A

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Very sorry to hear about Richard. I didn’t know Richard but I had many SOTA QSOs with him.

Bad news. I contacted Richard in 2021.
May he rest in peace.
Condolences to family.
Chris F4WBN