WA2USA is now a W0C Mountain Goat!

Okay, so WA2USA (Dennis) is already a 4x Mtn Goat as he’s been active in SOTA since 2011 here in the USA. He’s registered in the W9 association, as he lives in Indiana, but has activated in 25 different associations. I wanted to bring attention to his latest achievement as I don’t believe any activators from outside of Colorado (W0C-land) are even close to 1,000 Colorado summit points. In fact, there are many activators who associate themselves with W0C, either by moving here or living in places with no associations, but don’t have the points to be an official Colorado Mtn Goat – that is by getting 1,000 Colorado specific activation points.

Those of us that live and activate in Colorado know how difficult it is to acquire 1,000 activation points here. It takes a lot of time, effort and desire to do that. I realize that Colorado is not unique in this regard as there are many other associations that have similar difficulties. We should celebrate achievements like this no matter where they occur!!

Dennis has made many friends here through the years and we look forward to activating with him every year he comes to Colorado. Congrats Dennis and keep up the great work my friend!

73, Brad


Awesome accomplishment, Dennis.
Always great to work you, whether SOTA or POTA.
73 Gary

Well done Dennis!
Yes, 4-pointers in CO would be 10-pointers in many places!
Best, Ken

Congrats Dennis!!

Mike AD5A

Wow Dennis!! Congratulations!!

That’s a HUGE accomplishment. Nicely done Dennis!

Well done Dennis! VFB!

Andy, N4LAG

Nice going Dennis!!! Amazing…



Well done Dennis @WA2USA especially as noted getting any points in CO seems to require going higher than anywhere else in the lower 48.

The threshold for 8 and 10 points pales in comparison to W6 which is the second highest threshold after CO for 10 pt at 11,000 ft.

However, you’re being modest Brad, as I think your MG journey was only 8 or 10 pointers, all unique and possibly all first time activations

CO is the land of legends!!



Congratulations Dennis.
Jeff K6QCB


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Congratulations, Dennis! Enjoyed meeting you, doing a Colorado Peak with you, and share your respect for the Colorado Mountains!

B-a-a-a-a, 161 Fred KT5X

Congratulations, Dennis!

Way to go - getting all the way to Goat in another Association is a very impressive achievement. I can certainly understand the CO attraction!

Congratulations, Dennis! Thanks for all of the QSOs.

Ward - WC0Y

Congratulations, Dennis!
Quite an accomplishment. Thanks for appearing in my log 257 times to date.

73, Walt

Thanks for all the kind words. It was a journey I absolutely enjoyed doing. It kept this old man young to stay in shape to climb the mountains in CO. For all you young and old goats, and aspiring goats keep it going. Find your dream and GO for IT.

C ya all high up on a hill. Dennis - WA2USA


Congratulations Dennis! Always great to work you.

73 - Frank