W7W/ CW-076&065 8/17&18

Hey all,

I’m planning on activating the two above summits this coming weekend. I will be shooting for Amabilis Mountain (W7W/CW-076) the afternoon of 8/17 and Snowshoe Butte (W7W/CW-065) early morning on 8/18. Frequencies TBD but likely 14.3xx SSB and I will also be on 146.520 and 146.580FM, any chasing is much appreaciated!

I will update here as my plans come together and will naturally post alerts once I have times set.


If you are setting up HF to do 20m SSB, please also do 40m SSB. That way, people within 400 miles will be able to work you, as well. Doing only 20m means a lot of regional chasers (i.e. folks within about 400 miles) will not be able to hear you.

Also, the best route to the top of Amabilis involves a sharp left turn at 3400’. If you don’t take that turn, you will end up at a false summit. You might be able to drive on a 4x4 trail from the false summit to the true summit, but it is much easier to take the sharp left down below.


I will add 40M to my plans, looks like 7.285 is a recognized QRP SSB calling frequency.

I don’t typically use 40M but my end fed does tune up on it.


Goal is 11am local for first summit. I will post an alert tomorrow morning as I leave the house.

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I decided to not do the second activation. There was a big storm that rolled through last night. So I don’t know what condition the road will be in up the mountain and I did not sleep well. Heavy rain on the sunroof of the car was loud, and there was a lot of lightning flashes as well. But the first activation went well!