W7USA latest AZ Shack Sloth

Congrats to Ray, W7USA for becoming the latest of now SEVEN Arizona Shack Sloths!
Great job Ray, and thanks for always being there!


c u tomorrow from W7A/xx-xxx

Congratulations Ray on achieving the Shack Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to WA7JTM:
Great Job Ray and for being an activator also
73 Tom N7AMA

In reply to WA7JTM:
We all know Pete, WA7JTM is a avid Activator. MANY of my QSO’s in push to 1000 are with Pete. Thanks to all. It is great fun. Looking forward to many more chaser / activator QSO’s down the trail.

                                           73, Ray / W7USA

Congrats. Thank you for Slothing us with a Chase on W4V/HB-002 on Labor Day. It was fun to hear AZ from VA on a homebrew Buddipole & KX3. Hope the 10 pts helped on this or the next trophy.


In reply to WA7JTM:

I’ll second that Pete. Congrats to Ray on the sloth achievment.

Both you guys gave me a bunch of points in the past few months.


John N0EVH

In reply to WA7JTM:
Congrats Ray on making Shack Sloth. You guys out in Arizona are really going after the points and making a lot of Shack Sloths. Welcome to the Slothy group and thanks for the SOTA contacts and points. Keep having fun.

In reply to WA7JTM:


Welcome to the W7A Sloth Club! Well done!

Now the fun really starts. I know for a fact that many of the new W7A Sloths are now shifting into Goat mode as to get lots of AZ peaks out on the airwaves. I predict that W7A will be incredibly active this fall and winter.

Stay tuned!


Congrats, Ray and thanks for all the New Ones from Northern Arizona!
73 Reinhard W7/DL1UF

In reply to WA7JTM:

A big congrats Ray and thanks for all the points as well.

73/Tommy W7RV

In reply to W7USA:Ray, you rule! Congrats on your fine activations and chasing record! 73, Jim N6KZ

In reply to N6KZ:

Congrats Ray. Hope to meet you at one of our W7A “choice of your favorite Beverage” Happy Hour.

Arizona Represent!