W7O/NC-052 (Twin Peaks East) - Info Needed

Hi all-

I’ll be attending the SEA-PAC convention in Seaside, OR the first weekend in June. I may have some time to do a SOTA activation while out there.

I see that W7O/NC-052 is reportedly a 20-minute drive from Seaside, yet there’s never been an activation from there. That usually means there’s a reason why it hasn’t been activated.

Anybody on the reflector have info on accessing this summit? I’ve looked on line for a while and can’t find any trail info, so that also tells me there’s a reason why it hasn’t been activated yet.


Sean KX9X

In reply to KX9X:

Hi Sean, There is a nearby road which, if open and not gated, would provide a relatively short bushwhack access to Twin Peaks East. But I haven’t scouted access for this peak so not sure what you would encounter. A lot of these peaks are heavily forested.

Also nearby is very scenic Saddle Mountain (W7O/NC-004) in the Saddle Mtn SP. A good hike plus very scenic vistas in all directions. But, unless the wx is clear, it could be clouded in which is also true of most of the North Coast peaks. There are a lot of places to put up a good antenna on the summit but it is also a often-hiked location by the public so it could be somewhat crowded which also means a great PR opportunity for ham radio!

I’ve copied your message to some local SOTA activators who will be at Seaside. Maybe they can also assist. BTW, there will be a SOTA Pizza Night on Friday. You’re certainly welcome! Have fun. Guy/n7un