W7MDN - W7W's Latest MG!

Congratulations to Matt @W7MDN who achieved 1000 activator points on W7W/WE-006 (Mount Spokane) on 17th January! Matt is W7W’s 13th Mountain Goat. :beers:

I recently had the pleasure of activating 3 summits with Matt while he was on a layover here in western WA. It was a great day out and I hope we get to do it again soon.

Nice work Matt. Welcome to the herd. BAAAAAAA!


Congratulations Matt. Well done !

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Hey Matt,
Congratulations! It was a pleasure doing a joint activation with you and Josh while you were visiting the wet side. Looking forward to many more S2Ss and chases…

Darryl, ww7d


Congratulations Matt in achieving Mountain Goat.

Jimmy M0HGY

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Always a pleasure to get Matt in my log
de W6LEN / Jess

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Thanks all. Thoroughly enjoyed the journey and the friends made along the way.


Congratulations, Matt! TNX for the QSOs and wishing you all the best!

Jonathan “JB”

Congratulations Matt! It was great to meet you in Vegas! I am glad I got you in the log!