W7I Awards

As the new AM for Idaho (W7I), I thought I would throw this out to any Ops that qualify for this award.
These awards seemed to have slipped through the cracks recently and I wanted to let everyone know they are available again. (See below to qualify) :

1.10 Association Awards
The W7I-Idaho Association currently provides two basic awards for either Activators or Chasers for points accrued within the W7I-Idaho Association only. Applications for these awards are made by e-mailing the W7I Association Manager. BSkerj@gmail.com
The two awards are :

  1. Idaho Mountain Goat : Custom SOTA Certificate awarded for 25 valid (4 contacts or more) from a SOTA-qualified Idaho peak.

  2. Idaho Beaver Chaser : Custom SOTA Certificate awarded for 150 Chaser points with a SOTA-qualified Idaho peak.

Bill Skerjanc