W7A s2s 10-point Madness Event Sept 28th

Thanks for the fun day Saturday and the 120 points, nine W7A activators for a total of 14 activators chasing here in Florida !
As a former 15 year Tucson area resident it was great to get a lot of the guys from AZ, I started chasing in AZ and miss AZ !
I’m close to 13,000 chaser points now…Thanks to all for the fun, looking forward to next year !

Bradenton, FL


I do plan on recognizing all of the out of state Activators and Chasers that joined in the Madness. I am also curious who worked what, so once all the logs are into SOTA I can see how everyone did into Arizona at least. I will have to sort thru the AZ ops logs to see what everyone worked, and then compile some out of state data from that.

Last year we sent out some certificates to the to the top 10 DX chasers…the stations that worked the most Arizona 10-point summits during the event.

So activator and Chaser summaries for outside Arizona are welcome and I will see what I can do with them statistically.

tnx again to everyone for making this event so much fun!


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Congrats Lin! Now a Sloth and a GOAT…very nice!!!


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Too bad we are being clobbered by the RTTY contesters.

I tried for a couple of stretches of time, but could only barely hear two activators, not enough to respond with a call. Arizona should be right in the zone for 20 m, but it wasn’t working for me in Palo Alto, California yesterday.


I worked a number of CA stations on 40 meters yesterday, but maybe they were not in your area.

Sorry we missed you.


I heard one station on 20 and one on 40, but even the chasers were down in the noise. This was SSB, forgot to mention that. Usually 40 m is great for getting from the SF Bay to LA or Oregon but a little short for NM and CO. AZ could work on 20 or 40.

Thanks for putting on the event. I need to spend some time killing noise in the house while we wait for the Ionosphere Fairy to get in a better mood.


Hi Pete (WA7JTM),
A few of us Colorado W0C activators had many S2S contacts on our respective summits with the W7A crew. I believe KX0R made 14 S2S contacts and I made 13. 40m and 30m had good propagation into Colorado. It was great to finally hear your voice on a rare 40m phone contact!

73, Brad


That was CRAZY fun Pete! Most interesting was the pile-up of “S2S” calls - first time I’ve been challenged with sorting through those! 73, Rick WB0USI


Sounds like you guys had another fun event this year. I only had a small window here yesterday to play and seems the bands weren’t in very good shape. Only chased 7 of the W7A sta’s (actually only one’s I was able to hear). Saw tons of spots, just wasn’t hearing you guys! Had planned on doing something here in the NorCal area but after getting off work and listening to the WX report, decided to hunker down and take care of a few chores around the house. Glad I did - ended up with 2 inches of fresh snow - all melting away as of early tis morning - but wasn’t ready for winter yet! :wink:

K7STY 40M Phone
N3BZ 40M Phone (strongest here of all W7A - for me)
NJ7V 30 CW

Also snagged NA6MG, KG5AUU, KX0R, and NS1TA (thanks Mike - long time no hear - Semper FI!)

KG5AUU had a truly outstanding signal here - solid 599 Plus!

Great fun gang, wish I could have gotten out and played more…

73, Todd KH2TJ


I had 8 s2s contacts with W7A from southern Wyoming (W7Y/SW-006.) A pleasant surprise to have just as many finding me as I chasing them. Most were on 30 meters, a couple on 20 and one 40 meter s2s.
Peter KD0YOB


I missed being on a Summit but enjoyed Chasing on S2S Madness Day! Thank you! Bob AC1Z

AC1Z Log on S2S Madness Day
28-Sep-19 12:16 AC1Z F6GLZ/P FL/VO-088 Le Faing Berret 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 14:39 AC1Z NA6MG W6/CT-246 Mount Lewis 14MHz CW 8
28-Sep-19 14:48 AC1Z WA7JTM W7A/CS-013 A 1 Mountain 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 14:51 AC1Z NJ7V W7A/AW-011 Aztec Peak 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 15:11 AC1Z KB7HH W7A/AW-013 Spruce Mountain 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 15:20 AC1Z K2JB W4C/CM-055 Montreat 6 Benchmark 14MHz CW 6
28-Sep-19 15:31 AC1Z K3NG W4V/SH-005 Pinnacle, The 7MHz CW 8
28-Sep-19 16:10 AC1Z KC4WZB W4G/HC-036 Pine Mountain 14MHz CW 2
28-Sep-19 16:47 AC1Z KX0R W0C/SR-052 Thorodin Mountain 14MHz CW 6
28-Sep-19 16:47 AC1Z K7TSY W7A/CS-026 Summit Mountain 14MHz SSB 10
28-Sep-19 16:49 AC1Z N1FJ W1/GM-007 Stratton Mountain 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 16:51 AC1Z KG5AUU W5T/CI-003 Casa Grande Peak 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 17:10 AC1Z N6IZ W6/NC-150 Black Mountain 14MHz CW 2
28-Sep-19 17:11 AC1Z N4HNH W4G/NG-004 Blood Mountain 14MHz SSB 10
28-Sep-19 17:15 AC1Z N1ZF W1/CR-006 Peaked Mountain 14MHz CW 1
28-Sep-19 17:29 AC1Z N7CW W7A/AE-041 Davenport Hill 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 17:34 AC1Z K6HPX/P W7A/AW-001 Mount Lemmon 18MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 17:35 AC1Z NS1TA W1/NL-001 Mount Shaw 14MHz CW 4
28-Sep-19 17:38 AC1Z NQ7R W7A/AW-009 Pinal Peak 18MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 17:42 AC1Z KC5CW W0C/SP-115 Bald Mountain 14MHz SSB 4
28-Sep-19 17:51 AC1Z N1FJ W1/GM-007 Stratton Mountain 14MHz CW 0
28-Sep-19 17:51 AC1Z AA6XA W7A/YU-148 1770 14MHz CW 1
28-Sep-19 18:04 AC1Z KR7RK W7A/AE-008 Kendrick Peak 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 18:09 AC1Z W7JET W7A/AW-010 Mingus Mountain 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 18:31 AC1Z K3NG W4V/SH-001 Hawksbill 7MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 19:32 AC1Z WA7JTM W7A/CS-013 A 1 Mountain 14MHz CW 0
28-Sep-19 19:33 AC1Z N6AN W6/CT-225 Flint Peak 14MHz CW 1
28-Sep-19 19:34 AC1Z WU7H W7W/PL-029 High Rock 14MHz CW 6
28-Sep-19 19:36 AC1Z N7LP W7A/CS-012 Government Mountain 18MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 21:05 AC1Z W3ATB W5N/SI-001 Sandia Crest 14MHz CW 10
28-Sep-19 23:59 AC1Z KR7RK W7A/CS-008 Wing Mountain 14MHz CW 10



So u were indeed on W0C/PR-148 on Saturday?

I was looking thru the spots for Saturday and u never got spotted by SOTAwatch…or I couldn’t find one.

A number of the AZ activators did not know u were on a summit.



Hi Pete,
Yep I was on W0C/PR-148. I was only there to work S2S contacts so I never called CQ or got spotted. I guess you could say I was in “Chaser” mode only while on the peak ;-).
Here’s my log:

73, Brad

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OK thanks Brad. I was a bit confused as I knew u said u were on a summit, but others who had worked u were not all aware u were on a summit.

NIce LOG!!!


What a fun event. I was able to work 12 AZ summits.
Thanks too all.
Jeff K6QCB

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Also a very nice log Jeff!

Thanks for Hunting us down!!!


Glad I was able to work you, Lee, but disappointed I couldn’t hear Lin on 20m. Congratulations, Lin on becoming a Shack Sloth! Time for another trophy!

Dave, AE9Q

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AZ Activators,

Great effort in light of less than ideal weather or propagation conditions; you all get a “star” for stellar effort! I would have preferred to have been a W7N Activator for my end of the QSO but an ailing back relegated me to a Slothy Chaser role instead. Below is my log of W7N Chaser Q’s:


72, Woody/K1LB

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Woody, Thanks for the QSO during the s2s event. I do note an error in your post, though. The good news is that once you correct it you will have 10 more chaser points. You logged both NJ7V and me (AE9Q) on Mount Bigelow. However, I was alone on Bigelow—NJ7V was on Aztec, W7A/AW-011.


Dave, AE9Q

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