W7A 10-Point s2s Madness Event, October 3, 2020



Pete, your calculation of 326 s2s points in this event might be short-changing yourself. Using the highest level of graduate school math, I found that you actually scored 352. Adding the point breakdown you presented above yields 342 plus the ten points for being on A 1 mountain for the first time this year, but your log is unassailable. 1328 s2s points at the start of the day, and 1680 at the end. So you have three totals to choose from, but any of the three would be hard to match until sunspots return.

Congrats. Bigger pie for you, this time, but the largest one at Rock Springs Cafe is 12". Would that work for you? 26 bucks plus tax, and it’s on me.

Elliott, K6EL

What a fantastic SOTA weekend! Wayyyy too much fun.
I activated 5 summits between Friday afternoon and Sunday. One overlapped the UTC into Saturday so I suppose my S2S Madness Day began there…and after my main summit on Saturday I decided to add a closeby driveup and finished my S2S Madness Day there.

Got my logs uploaded and here are my stats:

W7A/CS-007, Shadows Mountain (Friday evening local time): 26 QSO’s, 1 S2S for 20 S2S Points (thanks Brent KG5AUU, who actually did a second activation after hiking and activating Humphreys Peak earlier in the day - WOW!)
W7A/CS-004, Hochderffer Hills (Main one on Saturday): 116 QSO’s, 60 S2S with 52 uniques for 388 S2S Points
W7A/CS-009, Horny Toad Hill:(Spontaneous activation): 34 QSO’s, 2 S2S with 1 unique for 14 S2S Points

Including my activations on Friday and yesterday, I rounded out my log with 315 QSO’s including 74 S2S with 65 uniques. Some other stats: 3 LiFePo batteries, 2 large pizzas, 4 Pop-Tarts.

This is such a fun event! Thanks Pete for the vision and looking forward to next year.

Keith KR7RK



Thanks for the heads up!

It does look like 352 points for the day actually looking at the s2s log on the website.

When I ran the early stats my brain must have been worn out from all of the action/confusion on Saturday…plus the data was from my spreadsheet, which I created for this event, so that almost always means I will make a few mistakes.

About the pie…an offer like that is definitely hard to pass up Hi Hi

So all of this SOTA DX and Pie too? Can life get any better??

:grin: :grin:


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I repeat… WOW!!!



Thanks Pete,
What a great event you have organized. Two years ago this event was only my second activation ever and boy was I hooked!

This year went much better with the knowledge I have gained in the last 2 years.
72 total QSOs with 52 SSB and 20 FM contacts.
43 s2s contacts
32 different summits
255 s2s points

It was a great 2 days in northern Arizona with 3 additional activations on Friday. It was also a good workout for my new IC-705.

Thanks again Pete and to all the activators and chasers!

73 Burke

I wasn’t on a summit in western Colorado until close to 2000utc, so I accepted that my chances for S2S with W7A activators had passed. Sending thanks to KR7RK and WA7JTM for finding me on 40 meters and giving me two Arizona 10 pointers!
Peter KD0YOB

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Here is the latest summary of the W7A s2s 10-Point Madness event. Most of the W7A logs are in for this event.

I will also be submitting a few other items at some point…

One spreadsheet will show a list of North American Chasers who worked us, showing how many 10-point Arizona s2s contacts they made. I see one station that worked 18 Arizona 10-Point summits.

I would also like to document the fact that a number of non-Arizona North America 10-point summits were on the air supporting us, so I will see what I can come up with to show those statistics also. Their support, and the support of all of the Activators on SOTA summits Saturday, made this a truly great event.

