W6/SC-335 Cowles Mountain Activation and Trail Report during the 5-Peak Challenge at Mission Trails, San Diego

SOTA Activation of W6/SC-335 Cowles Mountain with Anytone 878 and Arrow II 140-3 with KB1HQS hiking pole mod during the 5-Peak Challenge Mission Trails, San Diego, California Saturday

Video: https://youtu.be/-nm8A-SWiks

We did this 15mi, +4000’ elevation change hike with the SDOE Meetup group. we met at the Mission Trails dirt parking lot, then made our way to the Mission Dam. We climbed North & South Fortuna first, then returned to the Dam and climbed Kwaay Paay Peak. Took a lunch break then drove to the Barker Way Trail Head and climbed Cowles Mountain and Pyles Peak. Made 4 QSO’s (radio contacts) on Cowles Mountain (W6/-SC-335) for 1 SOTA (Summits On The Air) Activation point, with the 6W Anytone 878 and Arrow II 140-3 3 element yagi with KB1HQS hiking pole modification.


#1 & #2: North & South Fortuna from Mission Dam: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/mission-trails-regional-park-old-mission-dam-to-north-south-fortuna?u=i&sh=udxtzw

#3 Kwaay Paay from Mission Dam: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/kwaay-paay-peak-trail?u=i&sh=udxtzw

#4 & #5: Cowles Mtn & Pyles Peak: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/cowles-mountain-from-barker-way?u=i&sh=udxtzw

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Great memories of Cowles Mtn during college. We used to hike up at night for fun, tiptoeing around the 6 ft rattlesnakes by flashlight.

Good times.

My buddy hiked Cowles at night and said there were a pair of eyes tracking him he wasn’t sure if it was a mountain lion or a racoon, but definately spooked him…

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