W6/CT-218 - 2nd timer- 2m only- 35 contacts- FUN!

Hi all,

My 2nd SOTA activation was today! (Pics at bottom)

I had wanted to have a summit to summit “STS” contact
with Don, NK6A who was activating Calabassas Peak no too far away and was the
inspiration for me to go today. The hike in was 4 miles not 2mi as I had
assumed and missed him.

I lightened my load and only brought my 2m mobile radio and
was gifted yet again with a great hand made antenna by my friend Anthony
KB6WWI. This was a really cool “halo” antenna design of bent copper
tubing. My battery worked solid for 4 hours and the nice 50w Icom radio was a
treat. (10-20w mostly)

" A halo antenna, or halo, is a
horizontally polarized, omni-directional 1/2 wavelength dipole antenna.
It is shaped like a loop with a small break on the side of the loop directly
opposite the feedpoint, so that the dipole ends do not meet. The antenna is
usually one continuous conductor, fed with a gamma match capacitor"

I had 2x 5ft sections of pvc that worked great as hiking
poles and also a 10ft mast! Zip ties worked for mounting. I love zip ties.

The weather was cloudy and cool with a storm system moving
in from the north. Luckily I only felt a few drops all day and was able to stay
warm and dry.

I was also kept company by the 35 people who called me and
said hello!


  • great looking/performing antenna by KB6WWI

  • plenty of activity on 2m

  • other hams “spotting” me on SOTA

  • SSTV Rx of pictures from KB6WWI- that was really cool

  • the 360deg VIEW

  • the hike back lit by moonlight

Here are the photos from today along with location data so
you can see where I was:


Have a great weekend everyone-
