W6/CT-002 San Jacinto Peak Activation

This was an 8pt summit (+3 bonus in Winter), and I made 17 QSO’s, 4 of which were s2s (Summit-to-Summit) W6/SC-369 Temple Hill, W6/CT-004 Mount Baden-Powel (x2), W6/CT-245 San Gorgonio Mountain.

Used an Anytone 858 and APRS (KB8UIP-2)to the PAPA Blue Ridge DMR repeater in Southern California from the Marion Mountain TH, and for the first 25m of ascent, then it failed to conenct the rest of the day. Se the track on APRS.fi: aprs.fi – live APRS map

We started at Marion Mountain TH and were required to have Adventure Pass parking passes, and a San Jacinto Winderness Area pass. I went with the San Diego Outdoor Enthusiasts Meetup group.

Hike was 13.7mi, 4,508’ elevation gain, and took 6h 35m. There was plenty of flowing water from the snow melt, a few easy water crossings, a profusion of wild flowers in bloom, and a little snow here and there in the shady areas, and at the summit. Saw grey squirrels and lizards, no sneks thank goodness. Plenty of hikers, no PCT hikers, and 2 trail runners. A few new tree falls across the trails as well. Multiple people (including me) got off trail a couple times, and being in a group helped, and having downloaded the Alltrails map ahead of time was good too. (I also printed out a map, and had a printed PCT map)

I took the Hiking 10 Essentials (https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/ten-essentials.html), and took a picture of those and made a quick video here if you are interested: Hiking 10 Essentials - YouTube

If you are interested in seeing what I take on a PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) section hike, that video is here: What I Take on PCT Section Hikes - YouTube

And if you are interested in the gear I typically take on a longish SOTA activation (not a drive up), that video is here: What I Take on a SOTA Activation - YouTube

At the summit I used the Anytone 858 for the 1st 11 QSO’s and all 4 s2s QSO’s with the Radioddity RD-771 19" whip. Which is similar to the Diamond SRH77CA. The 19" whip antenna worked like a champ up there, and as I turned only issue I had was my body would attenuate the signal, so just had to rotate my body out of the way.

Next I assembled the hiking pole 3 element yagi that my budy 3D printed the parts based on KB1HQS’s design. (Ultralight Hiking Pole Yagi Antenna | KB1HQS). Elements for the yagi from the Arrow 140-3.

If you are interested in seeing the hiking pole antenna, here’s the video of the 1st look at it: Hiking Pole Yagi Antenna First Look - YouTube

Made 6 more QSO’s with the hiking pole yagi, and it worked well in every direction, simply amazing.

Packed up, headed down, ran out of my 3L of water, so filtered 1L of cold mountain meltwater, sooooo refreshing. Once I got back to the trail head, our carpool group headed to Idyllwild Brew Pub and sampled their beers and had some well deserved grub - I had the pulled pork sando.