W4V/FC-015 "3333"

My activation of 8 March 2023:
Thanks to W4GO for the detailed site access notes. There is no trail, it is a short and steep bushwhack to the summit. I had 23 HF CW contacts and 1 VHF FM contact.


Glad you could make use of my notes. I found it an enjoyable summit and one of the easier never-activated summits I’ve done.

I did a double-take when I saw a spot for the summit. I must have just missed you on 40 m. Heard you weakly on 20 m via scatter but was unable to get through for a complete.

I must not be in the kind of shape you are! I found it challenging to do, especially the descent. HIHI
Of course, this is Virginia, so the greenbrier thickets add some difficulty.
I actually scouted this summit in 2021 but didn’t try it, so congratulations for being first, and thanks again.

Thanks for the s2s on 40M. Looking forward to many more.
Stay well & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV

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Easier than some, but not easy! Well done navigating the brambles and slope. Will look for you on the next one.