W4DOW made Double Shack Sloth today 2K Chaser Poin

First of All thanks to SOTA for a great program and something to keep and make it more interesting in our Hobby.
I went to bed last night after making 19 Contacts with different Activators thru out the world and I had 1999 Points when I shut down the Station. at 13:13 utc This morning I worked OH9XX/p in Finland on OH/JS-066 24.908 CW For guess what 1 POINT. That made my 2000 for Double Shack Sloth.
I earn the 1000 Pts on Oct 2, 2013 and Now the 2000 Points on Oct 27,2013. Just 25 days for 1000 Chaser points. Looks like most everyone is getting my New Vanity Call much better. OLD Call (WA4HMX)
Thanks everyone for the contacts from your Summits and Now that I have COPD pretty bad and cant get out and do the Summits I am happy working everyone on their SOTA Trips up onto their Summits.
Hope to catch each and everyone of you on the air again
Thanks and GOD Bless all.
Dow (W4DOW) Now good on QRZ again
EX-WA4HMX *Chaser from W4V in Virginia.

In reply to W4DOW:

Way to go! Thanks for the many chaser Qs! Will look for you & new call soon, Take care! …73, da Goats

In reply to W4DOW:
Well done Dow! I’ll be looking for you on my activations.


In reply to W4DOW: It was great to work you on 12m last week. Your reply came as a surprise and confirmed my half wave vertical works well.
73, Hans PB2T

Will be looking for you soon, thanks Dave and Best 73 de Dow

PB2T Hans Good Working you My friend thanks gor the Contact and the Chaser Points Best 73 and GL de Dow

In reply to W4DOW:

Hi Dow,

Congrats and thanks all qso´s ! hope to work you many more times in future :slight_smile:

73 Klaus DF2GN/p


Congrats on getting your Double Sloth. Still like your new call. I’m sure you will be going at it in the future.

73 Erik
WX4ET - Chaser/Activator for W4T
Shack Sloth