W4DOW Chaser in W4V Passed 5K Point Mark Jan 30

On January 30,2014 W4DOW achieved "Quintuple Shack Sloth 5,000 Chaser Points for Section W4V
Thanks All Best 73 de Dow [W4DOW]

In reply to W4DOW:

I figured you were going to make it today Dow, so I sent you a congratulatory NTS Radiogram last night. Skip K6DGW happened to be the net control on our local CW traffic net, so it seemed like an especially appropriate time to list the traffic. :slight_smile:


Eric KU6J

Free SOTA Spot Monitor Software + RBNGate FAQ:

In reply to W4DOW:

Way to go, Dow!

Thanks for so many QSO’s and all the invaluable spots…

Keep 'em coming across the pond!

73 Mike

In reply to W4DOW:
Was caught off guard today, when reading the statement: W4DOW chaser in W4V Passed… I thought OMG! The poor man is a silent key??? Very happy that you are doing well in chasing Dow. For a second; I thought your chasing days were over. HI HI. Sure I’m not the only one, that just for a second , did a double take… All the best “73” de Scotty

No Scotty I’m still kicking( not to High) and doing my SOTA Chasing and CW all I can.
Thanks Dow

Thanks Eric, Lots of Work but also lots of fun for me. I really enjoy rthe SoTA program.
73 es Tnx de W4DOW

Tns Mike Tnx for all the Contacts es Chaser Points. Best 73 my Friend de W4DOW

Congratulations Dow on achieving 5000 chaser points.

Jimmy M0HGY

Thanks Jimmy

Nice to work you today Dow!

73, Hal N6JZT

Thanks Hal, You guys help put me over the 5K mark today.
Thanks again Dow

In reply to W4DOW:Exactly the same open-mouthed reaction here to that headline! Aside from that, congratulations in achieving this level in so short a time. Keep having fun! 73’s Herm and Merle, KB1RJC and KB1RJD

In reply to KB1RJC:
Thats pretty awesome! Vast majority of the contacts made since last september!

VY congratulations.

Can do this now that I am Retired and Love Cw. You see my my SOTA log that most of my Contacts are on CW. Just a Few here and there on SSB when needed to get the points. With the Weather so bad here in the Mountains of Virginia this year and I have COPD pretty bad I cant get out much in this cold air and breath very good I get in a lot of Radio time and I found I enjoy the SOTA program as a Chaser. We have good days and then we have Bad days. Thanks
Best 73 De Dow [W4DOW]

From my QRZ Page:
W4DOW SOTA Statistics

My First SOTA contact with a Activators was June 10, 2013 ( Local 2M FM Simplex)

ON Oct 2,2013 achieve " SOTA Shack Sloth " status with 1000 Chaser Points.

Oct 27,2013 achieve "Double Shack Sloth " status with 2000 Chaser Points

ON Nov 29,2013 achieve "Triple Shack Sloth " status with 3000 Chaser Points

  • NOTE* On Novemver 10, 2013 W4DOW moved into 1st Place CHASER in Section W4V (Virginia)

December 24,2013 achieve Quadruple Shack Sloth status with 4000 Chaser Points

On January 30,2014 achieved “Quintuple” 5,000 Chaser Points for Section W4V

In reply to W4DOW:
Congrats Dow on hitting the 5K Chaser point level. The SOTA operation is a great part of this ham radio hobby and one of the fastest growing parts I’ve seen in years. Have fun and keep on chasing.

Gary A. - W0MNA

In reply to W0MNA:
Thanks Gary, I sure do enjoy it here. 73 de Dow