The lists won’t display in the database until the programme launch date of 1st March 2007.
However, once Jon enables it, the summit lists will appear via SOTAwatch.
73, Tom
The lists won’t display in the database until the programme launch date of 1st March 2007.
However, once Jon enables it, the summit lists will appear via SOTAwatch.
73, Tom
In reply to M1EYP:
Done. W2 summits now available to search and browse.
I’m looking forward to activating one of the GA summits soon after the launch. Been out today buying snowbaskets for the bottom of my poles. I’ll have to snowshoe up as we’ve had a little over 3ft of snow in the last week
In reply to GM4ZFZ:
In reply to M1EYP:
Done. W2 summits now available to search and browse.
In reply to KC2EUS:
Hi Andrew
Don’t forget to post your planned activities on the Alerts page so that we can be listening for you (assuming you’re planning HF activity).
73 de Les, G3VQO
In reply to G3VQO:
Well, I was… But my FT817 decided to die on SSB/CW this week. Works fine on FM/AM but no audio out on SSB. So it looks like it’ll be a 2M FM only activation this time. I’ve had the radio 2 years … never really used it and the one time I want to use it … it’s broke… how about that for bad karma …
In reply to KC2EUS:
Hi Andrew
Have you tried a factory reset on the '817?
This sometimes cures funny behaviour.
Hold F and V/M down and switch on.
Roger G4OWG
In reply to G4OWG:
My 817 dies from time to time on ssb, the above reset works ok for me. If I had any memories programmed Id loose them, but I haven
t so I dont.
Most Sundays I`m able to work E Coast US on ft857 & inverted vee from the summits.
In reply to G4OWG:
I tried the Home/ power up reset. I’ll try your suggestion when I get home. Thanks.
Andrew KC2EUS / GM1YMI
In reply to KC2EUS:
Unfortunately that did not work. But on the bright side. I managed to borrow another FT817 so I hope to be on 2M SSB, FM and 10M. I’ll post an alert when it’s closer.
Thanks for the suggestions to fix my 817.
In reply to KC2EUS:
Andrew, cut yourself a simple wire dipole for 20m & Im sure you
ll work a summit or two over here - & a great pile of chasers.
In reply to G1INK:
I don’t have access to that band. Even though I have a full license in the Uk. I only have what used to be your version of the class B. The FCC just gave us some HF privs.But not on 20. It’s on my list of things to… and gain more HF.
Hi Andrew…
But you have the privs. as a GM1 under CEPT.
Why not operate as W2/GM1YMI? I would have to go back and check the US licence I have at home but I dont think you are obliged to use the US call when you could use CEPT privilages… might be worth checking whatever…
73 Marc G0AZS (K1UG)
Aha… sorry… look here…
“If a US license is held, no other reciprocal operating authority may be used.”
Looks like you’re SOL on 20m now you have the US call… until you upgrade anyway.
73 Marc G0AZS (K1UG)
In reply to G0AZS:
Yes when I moved here I got sick of signing W2/GM1YMI so I sat the test. If I used my head I should have stayed with the UK call.
But saying that the general test is way easier than the C&G test. I already passed the general test once but let it lapse as I ran out of time to do the CW… Long story… LOL
In reply to G0AZS:
See you on 10m Es in the summer then - if the propagation is better than last year ;-)) - Steve.
H Andrew
Yes I had the same feeling when I was there… I didnt want the mouthful of W1/G0AZS so I sat the exams… They even let me do them all in one go… (including the morse back then… albeit slow) but I kept the poor examiners waiting ages on their Saturday morning as they had to mark each one before they gave me the next paper hi…
…and if you got GM1, you should be fine to roll on though to extra then get yourself a nice little 1x2 or 2x1 vanity call (use and you be all set. Good luck!
73 Marc G0AZS (K1UG)
…and in case you’re interested Andrew, I just looked and the following are valid and available now and may be interesting to you when you upgrade to General
In reply to G0AZS:
Very nice you’ve got me thinking now …
K2YMI is there too…
In reply to GM4ZFZ:
I looked up the headings for several of the new SOTA
from Stateside:
heading shown always was about 230 - that would be in
South America, about 90 degrees from correct heading.
Distance announced might be correct.
Mike, dj5av