Hi Guys,
Cannon Mountain was a lot of fun but as you can see it’s still winter in New Hampshire. The trail was packed snow and ice so micro spikes all the way up. I should have used my crampons but I was to lazy to dig them out of the pack.
The area is closed for the season so no problem getting down. I just followed the ski trail.
This is my second SOTA 4000 footer of the season. I’m looking forward to the next one.
BTW I stayed on the summit for a little over 2 hours. The weather improved as the day went on but it was snowing most of the way up.
Thanks to my DX friends for checking in @F4WBN@G4OBK@S57S@EA2BD and @SA4BLM@VA2YZX all made the log despite conditions being quite poor.
24 Stations Worked
13 on 20 CW
5 on 20 Phone
4 on 40 CW
2 on 2 FM
6 DX
Nice pictures. Unfortunately we didn’t have the wright timing for a S2S, it would have been an easy one, I was on the other side of the road on Lafayette.
Such a beautiful day.
Next time.
73, Eric
Hi Eric,
That always seems to be the way. I missed you by an hour or two. WC1N and WI1G were also in the Whites. I missed them too.
See you on the next one. I hope! Congratulations on your Lafayette Summit.
73, fred
Thanks to you ! It sure still looks like winter up there, I miss hiking the Whites !
Thanks for the QSO, maybe one day i’ll be able to go back…
Congrats on snowy hike to Cannon! Nice pictures
and looks like fun! I’m listening for you from Georgia. Chasing some from campgrounds and looking for S2S with you! I’m activating Brasstown Bald W4G/NG-001 today. Bob AC1Z
Hi Bob,
I have to head out for a while but I’ll look for you later. I was really surprised to see how much RFI I had on Cannon. That tower emits quite a bit. Not sure if it’s solar panels or radio gear but I had almost S9 noise on VHF and 20 was pretty bad too.
I’m planning a trip north Friday. Maybe Field or Passaconaway. I’ll be on Blue Job or Parker tomorrow looking for K1MUU.
Catch you on the next one. 73,fred