W0M 10th Anniversay Feb 1st 2023

Tomorrow Feb 1st Missouri W0M celebrates our 10th anniversary in SOTA.

We will have approximately a dozen winter activators out during our mid day which will be in the 1800-2100 UTC time frame. Would be fun to work some across the pond contacts! Individual teams will post spots with their particulars.

John N0EVH
W0M SOTA Association Manager


I’m shooting for W0M/SF-004, Proffit Moutain. It’s a 12-mile round trip hike, so I’m hoping to get to the summit by 1800Z. Operation will cease at 2000Z, as I’d like to get off the trail before dark.

Also, I might take a few minutes out to operate some of the 1900Z CWT, to get my 10 contacts in.

Hope to work some of the DX regulars (EA7GV, EA5K, EC8ADS, LW2DO, SA4BLM and the ever loud F4WBN) as well as all other chasers! It’s going to be a chilly -9C at the start of my hike, with a balmy -1C at the summit. Hopefully the sun will be out!

73, Jim KK0U

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Well thanks to all the teams that planned and attempted to celebrate the 10th anniversary of W0M Missouri SOTA!

If I recall correctly we had two teams that had to cancel. Gary and Martha indicated the last few miles of the marginal roads to their summit were not safe at all. Mike AD0YM decided his neck of the woods was not to be messed with. Note SW Missouri had an ice storm that sliced through the area hitting Springfield and NW Arkansas.

Those that found gaps in the bad roads included N0MII, KK0U, N0SA, KD0MQO and myself.

The actual weather during midday was not bad, it was just if the roads were passable. Frank and I stayed three hours on Webster County HP because we took a tarp for wind break and a small propane heater for the operator position!

Thanks to all the chasers, it was a fun celebration!

John N0EVH
W0M SOTA Association Manager

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