W0ERI Now 20K Shack Sloth

Big Congratulations go out to Martha-W0ERI ! Not sure but believe she may be the first woman worldwide to break the 20K mark of Super Sloth. EU guys ; please correct me if I’m wrong. Anyway Martha please have a nice day ! All the best from Scotty KG3W

Yes hats off Martha.

Nice Job Martha!! Hope my measly 2 points yesterday helped :wink: - thanks for all the chases!!

73 Rick WB0USI

Thank you, Scotty!

Your “measly” 2 points is always appreciated! That is what it takes to get to this point in 18 months–that and becoming addicted to SOTA. Thanks,
Martha W0ERI

Congrats Martha on your milestone. Lots of dedication. All the very best, Dennis - WA2USA

Congrats Martha. I can always count on you to work me when I am out activating. Great job, and I look forward to working u many more times!

Say hello to the OM! Hi HI


tnx again


Way to go Martha, always a pleasure to hear you on a summit. Congrats from Colorado


Congrats Martha! You and Gary are the famous duo! Thanks for your many chaser contacts and super slothdom! 73, Guy/n7un aka nS0TA

Another congrats Martha!
Thanks for being there, often the first when I QSY up to 20m.

Congratulations Martha on achieving double Super Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

Congratulations Martha! You always have a great signal into Northeast Tennessee (even from the mobile!) 73, Walt NE4TN

Good job Martha! You and Gary are always in the chase!

Randy, ND0C

Impressive numbers, Martha! Congratulations from Merle and Herm

Congratulations Martha! Thanks for all the calls.

73, Barry N1EU

Congratulations Martha! It’s always great to hear you and Gary calling in.


Eric KU6J

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Wow! That’s a lotta slothin’! I bow in your direction!

Thanks everyone. I am having a blast after many years of inactivity. SOTA is fun and has really nice people participating. Icouldn’t ask for a better addiction!!
Martha W0ERI