W0C: Access Road Closure to popular drive-up Summit

The road up to Mt Blue Sky [W0C/FR-003] (formerly known as Mt Evans) will finally see some improvements.

This is a popular drive up 14er [14000 ft+] near Denver CO with an paved access road and therefore very popular among visitors. It also gives easy access to other high summits (incl. SOTA peaks) nearby.

Road closures:

  • Late July or early August 2024 (partially)

  • Starting Sept. 3, 2024, through all of 2025, Mount Blue Sky Highway will be closed to motorized and non-motorized travel (foot, bike, etc.) (at Highway 5).

  • The area will reopen, as conditions allow, on Memorial Day weekend 2026.

(Potentially) Impacted summits:

(Potentially) Impacted:

  • W0C/FR-003 Mt Blue Sky
  • W0C/PR-025 Rodgers Peak
  • W0C/PR-020 Gray Wolf Mountain
  • W0C/FR-007 Rosalie Peak

Those peaks can be reached by alternate routes. But none of them will be just a drive up summit. You can find all the details on the US-Forest Service Website:

Keep that in mind when you are visiting W0C in 2024/2025 and potentially 2026. If you need alternate routes information and are unfamiliar with the area, shoot me an email.
73, Matt/K0MOS