VK3PF Super Sloath eeaching 5000 Points

congratulations Peter on a giant achievement You have left us all with a hard act to follow I will always remember you getting me inspired with Sota
73 Rod VK2TWR

Congratulations Peter on achieving 5000 chaser points.

Jimmy M0HGY

Congrats Great Job, I know its hard work but it sure is fun. I am now over 4K
working up to the 5K
Keep up the grat work
73 de Dow [W4DOW] Chaser W4V Virginia USA

In reply to VK2TWR:
Peter has not only reached super Sloth level as a chaser but sets a cracking pace as an activator. Well done Peter.

Hi all,

Thanks for the kind thoughts.

From what I have seen, “Super Sloth” belongs to 10,000 Chaser points, so I am now half way.

Thanks to all the Activators I have worked - without them, no points for anyone!

I must try to get out more - I am about 3/4 of the way to Mountain Goat status.


Peter VK3PF

In reply to VK3PF:
Hi Peter,

Yes it seems we were mistaken and SUPER SLOTH is the unofficial term for amassing 10 k chaser points. Maybe for 5 k points you should be (unofficially) a GREAT SLOTH.

No matter the name, it is a significant achievement. Well done.
