VK3CAT/P EU activation 10/03/2014 @ 07:00hrs

GM everyone. Subject to the WX still being OK, I intend to be operational from Mt Macedon VK3/VC-007 from 07:00 hrs on 20 and 40 metres cw and ssb.
CW will be around 15wpm. This will be the fourth summit of the day.
View on https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=8a1e52e0aaf663ba4
KX3 at 10 watts, and either a double extended zepp or 1/4 wave GP on 20 metres.
Cheers all Tony VK3CAT/P

In reply to VK3CAT:
There are thunder storms forecast for this evening. Will see how it goes! Tony

In reply to VK3CAT:

Hi Tony,

Subject to your WX being okay, I’ll be listening out for you from Gun G/SP-013.

73 Mike

Hi Tony,
Many thanks for your patience to complete the QSO today . 229 received on my 40m dipole !!
My first VK SOTA of 2014.
73 David

For the avoidance of doubt I just wanted to say thank you for all your efforts to pull my weak signal out of the noise. (In case anyone thinks that I am trying to exchange reports over the internet rather than on air !)
229 was the RST received from you . I trust that you copied my report on your signal okay. Was not sure as at one point a German station ‘called me’ whilst I was trying to copy your over.
73’s David

David. It was hard work From Mt. Macedon.
And I know that I am far from the worlds best CW op.
The big problem I had was noise. I do not know if it was locally generated or being propagated from afar? It sounded like a cross between a chain saw and a fog horn. It started off low at first and I was able to read through it but it continued up to S8. The band would be dead quiet & I thought all was good then whammo - AGC goes into shock mode. No amount of filtering helped & even managed to loose myself in the KX3 menu settings.
The noise was broadly over the bottom end of 20M, SSB section seemed OK?
Anyway, quite a successful day mainly on CW.
For the record, drove a bit over 300kms in the 14 hours while away. Activated 4 summits for 16 activator points and had S2S contacts on 3 of them. Even found a tough 4WD track on Mt. Cobaw. Locked up front and rear diffs to negotiate some rock steps then as it got more difficult, decided that as I was on my own it would be best off to walk!
BTW, was using the 20m double extended zepp antenna.
Until the next one! Will be F/VK3CAT/P in may / June.
Cheers Tony

In reply to VK3CAT:

“I am far from the worlds best CW op…”

It sounded just fine to me Tony.

MNI TNX for struggling with all the dots in my call, we made it in the end.