Congratulations to Ron @VK3AFW for recently achieving Mountain Goat status having logged 1000 activation points from 209 activations on 108 unique summits and 2468 logged QSOs.
Ron activated his first summit, VK3/VS-001 Mt William, on 16 June 2012 with his first QSO with VK3 Association Manager Wayne, @VK3WAM, who was on VK3/VC-003, Mt Ritchie.
Ron reached 1000 points when he logged a December 2024 activation of VK3/VG-148, an unnamed summit in East Gippsland, where Ron was the first activator of this summit.
Thanks Peter, and Ian,
My stats are changing daily as I load up more of my 10 m challenge activations, in reverse chronological order. The last summit I activated was a 1 point unactivated one over 400 km from home. I have with regret given up my Devil’s Number score, 999.