VK1 to Germany and Hungary

In reply to W4MPS:


Yes, there have been contacts with US Chasers from VK. I worked Phil NS7P back in June on 20 m SSB, when I was on VK3/VT-016 (Mt Useful).

I know that Peter VK3ZPF has made some contacts with the US on 24 MHz SSB.


Peter VK3PF

In reply to VK3PF:
Just packing up now 23 EU chasers from VK1/AC-034.

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to VK1NAM:
Nice signal here Andrew in Clare tonight you were even 5/9 on my old ground mount werner wolf vertical on 20m.
i was going to call you back and let you know but the EU stations were building up .
i surprised Guy N7UN who was on 17m this morning on a summit it was about 4.30 in the morning here . He was the strongest signal i have ever worked from a USA summit. He was using 10w and a end fed .
keep up the good work Andrew .
73 all vk5cz …

In reply to VK5CZ:
Yes, it was quite a surprise! Because of qsb, I initiaaly heard K5…but when you came back as VK5CZ I was quite surprised. Your signal was good copy despite the rapid qsb.

Have you or other VKs worked any USA activations before? Don’t know if we were the first VK to a USA activation?

Thanks for the qso! 73, Guy/n7un aka nS0TA

That’s great Peter, thanks. Must start listening, although North Carolina is probably in a low probability area. I see my buddy Guy NS0TA (N7UN) logged a VK QSO on a recent summit. I’m sure that’s a QSL card he’ll cherish.
Marc, W4MPS

In reply to DF2GN:
Ok here’s hoping for a contact - I will only be able to run 5W this time unfortuantely, so it may be a little hard depending upon conditions and QRM.

73 Ed.

In reply to W4MPS:

I personally haven’t but I believe some early morning (Australian time) activations from VK may have. I’m only hearing EU/UK & VK on my (Australian) evening activations so far.

73 Ed.

In reply to VK2JI:
Hi Ed,
hope to see you and more vk cahsers later on the summit :wink: antenna test is done today on dm/bw-195 ( it works )…i´m at home, antenna not :wink: going to bed now, have to go out early later ;-)… maybe we can try 40m sometime, worked today ZL2PB Steve at around 1700utc with great signal in ssb. but maybe a bad time for vk activations…
so hope 20m is in good shape later…

cu ! Klaus DF2GN/p

In reply to VK2JI:
Hi Ed,
thanks nice s2s qso :slight_smile: great job with ur qrp 5w over a distance 16518km !
great s2s !!! dm/bw-195–vk2/hu-093

vy 73 Klaus