VK1 to Europe

Hi all

I plan to activate Mt Majura VK1/AC-034 after work on Wednesday from 07:00 UTC +/-. Sunset is at 09:10 UTC.

In addition to VK chasers, I am looking for a DX S2S and EU chasers on 14.310 MHz +/-.
I will spot when ready, may also try 28MHz.

73, Andrew VK1NAM


Will be straining me ears for you :smile:

Hi Karl

I have been successful in the past, Don G0RQL, Mike G6TUH, Mike 2E0YYY and Frans ON5SWA, just to name a few, are regular chasers. Rig FT-857D, 40 watts and a 1/2 wave link dipole.

Details at my blog SOTA DX | Get out of the Radio Shack and Live Life

Hope to hear you above the noise. :smile:

73, Andrew VK1NAM

Remember one is only a ickle station 10W and G5
If one hears you, one will call, well give it a go :smile:


Even brought in the extra help on the cats whisker


No joy, suspect heard another VK working you little earlier on 14315 but some SM station came up, But sure that was an Australian accent heard.

Never mind may be next time


I need a better antenna at this end. I’ve heard one or two stations working Andrew, but I couldn’t hear him…

73, Rick M0LEP

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Hi Karl and Rick

Slow going on 20m until 9 minutes before sunset, by then I had been on the summit for 2 hours. At 08:51 UTC Don G0RQL jumped out of the speaker with for a 5-8 report followed by Joao CU3AA and Manuel CU3BL both 5-8, my signal to Portugal was 5-7. :smile:

Earlier on 20m chasers were Paul VK1ATP, Peter VK4JD, Owen ZL2OPB, Rob VK1KW, Craig VK3CRG, Greg VK8GM and Nev VK5WG/m. On 40m 18 VK chasers from VK1, VK2. VK3 and VK5.

Summit to Summit (S2S) contacts with Peter VK3PF/7 on VK7/EC-045 and Andrew VK1DA/2 on VK2/ST-036.

Don’t give up on this first attempt, weather permitting I will try again in the next fortnight.

73, Andrew VK1NAM

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[quote=“VK1NAM, post:8, topic:10167”]At 08:51 UTC[/quote]I couldn’t hear much of Don but I heard the two CU stations. With my antenna, serious DX on 20 metres is going to take fairly exceptional conditions…

Good to see some DX in your log. 73, Rick M0LEP

Karl, maybe you could try chasing from a beach as you live near the coast. If you make yourself a 1/4wave GP (4 pieces of wire 5m long) and setup on a beach you may find working VK summits is a lot easier. There should be less noise for a start and a 1/wave is a DX antenna when situated on a good ground like saltwater sand. The theory says such an antenna will blow away your G5RV in a quite dramatic fashion.

Of course, practice setting up and chasing from the beach 1st before trying to setup (in the dawn), in the wind, for the 1st time whilst trying to get it all ready for VK who is about to appear!

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Sorry missed you Andrew. This thread has only just appeared for me in the new list in the last couple of hours although you posted yesterday! Been busy this morning in any case. Snow storms and high winds stopped for a day - heavy snow due AGAIN tomorrow. So I took my chance, lowered the antenna and have completed configuring my tri-bander mini beam, so may be able to put a better signal your way next time.

I have found that long path does not appear to be nearly as good at the moment as it was May - August last year. The predictions for February say that short path should be the better option. In this case the roles are reversed when compared to long path. East Coast VK need to be out early morning and EU late afternoon/early evening.

The last couple of times I’ve tried to get to a summit by 0800 UTC, the roads haven’t been cleared, perhaps we should try for a Short Path S2S over the next couple of weeks?

73 Ed.

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Same here. I could here Don G0RQL and the two CU stations. Nothing heard of Andrew here in East Sussex on any antenna also in the last couple of weeks I have been plagued with high noise levels. Always another day :sunglasses:

Funny you should mention this.
Many years ago on CB FM we used to tidal DX on our C90 motor bikes when tide was over 5m and it was brilliant. yet when tide fell outside of its peak by 1 hrs the DX disappeared

Then it lead to toe dipping with a Antron 99 and 3 el beam on 11mb, Again wait till tide was high ( Note higher the better) and connect the base of the support pole to a wire and throw over end into the water

Hence wot one was doing here at Aldeburgh Suffolk on the spit.
We did an experiment once from here. A friend on his station 4 miles in land and another station 20 miles in land. Here one was working stations all over the place, friend 4 miles in was getting about 70% of what one was getting friend 20 miles in land heard and worked one station. I did about 44 station furthest funny enough was North island NZ not on the beam but the vertical.

Now the tide that day was high an expected spring one hit 7.9m was even cut off at one point as you had to dip behind the sea wall to get back other side that point was flooded for 1/2 and hour only way out was along sea wall by foot.

Once sota-ing portable gear is sorted here will have go and do it again rather enjoyed that being portable on the beach.

Ah good old days :slight_smile:


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