VK1 to Europe LP

20m LP propagation didn’t hold up this evening and faded away around 0700 UTC.

The good news… 20m was open at 0600 UTC where Chris F4WBN was first in the log with a cracking 5-9 signal.

A big thanks to Ed 5B/VK2JI for the 5B/CY-042 S2S, my first QSO with Cyprus and my first chased 5B summit. :slight_smile:

26 Dx chasers on 20m SSB. Thanks all chasers.

I’m looking forward to the next LP session on Saturday starting at 0600 UTC.

73 Andrew VK1AD


Thank you for all fine Sota DX QSO’s Andrew.
Always good sigs long path by South America.

Cheers !
73 Jan


20m LP conditions from VK2/ST-001 on Saturday evening 0600 UTC were very good. I bagged 35 DX SSB QSOs on 20m and 14 local VK QSOs on 40m. Mt Cowangerong has an excellent outlook for long path propagation south-east out over the pacific ocean.

Highlights are of course the opportunities to work DX S2S. Thanks to the organisers of the annual OE SOTA Day, which appears to set a record number of summit activators in one day, I was fortunate take advantage of the broader SOTA activity across Europe, it was nuts! Finding a clear 3 kHz slot above 14.300 MHz was a challenge on its own. In one 13 minute session, I found 14.295 MHz to be a ‘friendly’ slot in the band.

S2S results:

Herbert @OE9HRV at OE/OO-300
Tom @OE9TKH at OE/OO-063, a completed summit for me :slight_smile:
Armin @DL6GCA at FL/VO-157
Special Event Station HB75ZRH at HB/NW-017, with Markus @HB9DIZ
Martin @HB9GVW at HB/AR-004, which I activated in 2016 :slight_smile:
Markus @IN3ADF at I/LO-035

I am sorry I didn’t stay on the summit until 0800 UTC, the weather turned against me :frowning:

I would like to acknowledge the organisers of the OE SOTA Day, Joe @OE5JFE, a major draw card event attracting participation from activators and chasers across the globe.

73, Andrew VK1AD


Hello Andrew
today, September 18th, I heard you well at around 0930UTC on DM/NS-121 and 14.320. You called OE5REO/P on OE/ST-054.
I then made a spot on 14.325, but unfortunately my very first qso DL<>VK didn’t happen.
Maybe another time.
73 Chris


Hi Chris,

it was @VK1MA who I had a QSO with today from the summit! Worked @ZL1TM also on 15m at 09:17 … both QSO’s with very weak signals. It was a really nice surprise … :slight_smile:

73 Martin, OE5REO


Yesterday’s LP propagation conditions from Mt Stromlo to the eastern side of Europe were excellent, with a particular focus on a path to the UK and less so into Austria, Belgium, Poland, Spain and Italy. This time the bonus eastern grey kangaroo ‘hop and skip’ wasn’t required :slight_smile:

20m LP propagation was open at 06:35 UTC where I immediately completed a S2S with Martin @2E0BIA at G/SP-004, Martin’s signal was 5-5. LP began to fade around 07:40 UTC but not before I worked Graham 2W0YSW/M (mobile) near Cardiff. Graham’s signal was 5-7 at Mt Stromlo VK1/AC-043.

Before the LP window closed Herbert OE9HRV lowered his station’s output power to 10 watts whereupon we completed a clear 5-1 each way QSO. :slight_smile:

44 SSB voice QSOs: 34 on 20m and 10 VK QSOs on 40m

Equipment: FT-891 at 20 watts, Inverted V linked dipole and an 8Ah LifePO4.

Summit to Summits:
Martin 2E0BIA at G/SP-004;
Michael @DC8YZ at DM/DM-309; and
John @G4TQE (GW4TQE) at GW/MW-026.

Highlights: 3 S2S, special event station GB1FLR operated by Mike @2E0YYY, working Hiro @JG0AWE and Graham mobile near Cardiff. GB1FLR is a Railways on the Air (ROTA) callsign (Foxfield Light Railway) celebrating the anniversary of steam powered passenger railway circa 1825.

Countries worked in order : UK (Wales and England), Slovenia, France, New Zealand, Austria, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden, Italy and Japan.

VK1AD SOTA shack at Mt Stromlo

Eastern grey kangaroos, no bonus ‘hop n skip’ today

This friendly ‘mob’ is only 10 metres from my operating position

Former Mt Stromlo observatory destroyed in the 2003 firestorm

Sunset over Mt Coree VK1/AC-023

73, Andrew VK1AD


It was great to get you Andrew. It even made getting up at 4:30 in the morning worth it!

I had spoken to Dave @M0JKS who mentioned he had heard a lot of VK stations the week before but not managed to make contact… so the challenge was set. Dave and I regularly set challenges for each other.

Dragging myself out of bed at 4:30 was a bit of a challenge. I set out on the drive to G/SP-004 (a summit I have activated a few times). Arriving at 6, it was dark and there was thick mist. I was set up by 6:30. On 20m I could hear a few VK stations, but couldn’t break through the pile ups, so I posted a spot. Within minutes Andrew @VK1AD called from VK1/AC-043 he was very clear at 52.

I managed three other VKs @VK2IO @VK2SD @VK2ON a bit later on I got Ben @GW4BML on GM/SI-192 so a good day was had by all!

Not a Kangaroo in sight!
I was using a switched Dipole 15/20/40 and a Xiegu G90 on 20w

Martin 2E0BIA


Thanks for the great S2S Andrew

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Try The Cloud G/SP-015 instead then!

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I am old enough to remember wallabies on the Roaches! I have seen some interesting wildlife on The Cloud. It was a shock being confronted by an ostrich for the first time!

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The emus haven’t been seen for a long time. I understand they were pretty aggressive - even to their keepers, so it was maybe decided this wasn’t the best environment for them. The wallabies and alpacas remain, and seem happy and sociable. I get the impression they recognise me too!


The wallabies and Dougie. He popped out to explain how I should tackle the boulder problem start to Valkerie, a gritstone classic. It was a shock being confronted by Dougie!

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Today I will activate VK1/AC-041 from 0630 to 0820 UTC on 10m and 20m SSB.

I hope to work EU chasers on 10m SP. 20m LP is a proven path from this summit.


Andrew VK1AD


I worked Chris @F4WBN on 10m 28.340 MHz with a FT-891 and a flowerpot antenna and a weak signal S2S with Stephan @HB9EAJ on 20m 14.315 MHz.

73, Andrew VK1AD


Thank you Andrew for the S2S! I could copy you all the time on 20m, but nil on 10m.
Your FT-891 did very well and nice to see your pictures!

I was on HB/AG-011 and it looked the same as two years ago, when I uploaded a picture: A forrest in early Spring with wild garlic growing all over:

73 Stephan


Is it time for another VK/ZL/EU event? From my perspective it would be more convenient in April but that might be too late for VK/ZL as their winter approaches.

From a VK1 or east coast perspective the last opportunity is Saturday 6 April, end of daylight savings :frowning:

Activators in VK5 or VK6 will have a different opinion.

Please take advantage of the planned activations for this coming Saturday. I will be operating on 10m and 20m SSB. Alerts have been posted.

Andrew VK1AD


The weather here in my part of the UK is poor for Saturday, but better on Sunday although the forecast is changing by the hour. :slight_smile:


Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the heads up from VK. Spurred me into acton, I have alerted and I will be up on a summit at 6.30 UTC with 20m and 10m to try my best !

Might even try the 10m Moxon but I have no idea on the propagation path/ direction to VK !!!


Looks ok for me in the south….


NS6T has the answer for you. (And everyone else!)

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