VK1 to EU DX

Hi all

Plan to activate the last of the ‘easy’ access summits, One Tree Hill on Tuesday after work. The walk is 5km, I should be on air between 07:15 and 07:30 UTC.

Activation will be for one hour only, the descent will be in the dark. :slight_smile:

Looking for a new EU/UK S2S and DX chasers.

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to VK1NAM:
Hello Andrew,

Torrential rain and strong gusts of wind here in the SE right now. Just came in here to unplug things as thunderstorms are forecast.

Will listen out for you on Tuesday :wink:

Night night (good morning)

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

thunderstorms < :frowning:

Forecast for Canberra is sunny with a top of 27 degrees, nice.


In reply to VK1NAM and VK2JI:
Hello Andy and Ed, glad to catch you both this morning. Thanks for the timing again. When are the 10 pointers arriving 8)
Best wishes.
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:
Hi Mike

At home now, that was an awesome SOTA activation. 36 DX contacts of which 4 were into the U.S. and 1 from Venezuela. Scored a S2S with OE9HRV/P Herbert on OE/VB-501.

Signals were very strong this evening, most reports were 5-8 to 5-9. The DX window was open from 07:15 to 08:25. I packed up at lastlight. Walked back to the car using a headlamp to illuminate the 5km track. 3 or 4 Kangaroos on the track!

Ha ha on the 10 point summits :slight_smile:

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to VK1NAM:
Well done indeed Andrew. I heard your S2S with Herbert followed by Ed. When we spoke, when you were on 14.320, two OK stations just popped up and started chatting! Window here was about 0710 to about the same time as you at 0830. VK stations calling Herbert started to weaken then. Nice to have wild life company!
Bye for now
Mike G6TUH