VK field day contest 15/16 March

I will be on vk1/ac-008 for the VK field day contest. My HF operation will be a SOTA compliant station - with battery powered IC703 and an IC706. I will have antennas for HF bands that should provide dx contacts. Will be operational for SOTA purposes on all hf bands on SSB and CW. Looking out for EU and USA chasers and S2S contacts. If conditions and band activity indicate it is worth it, I will operate up to 1500 UTC (2AM local) overnight. Sunrise is at about 1930 UTC and sunset is at 0755.

Operation for the contest is from Sat 0100 to Sun 0059 UTC. 0100 UTC is midday local time. If on air before 0100 on Sat then I will operate for SOTA purposes and after the contest if conditions etc warrant it eg on 10m or 12m. The contest does not use any WARC bands but if SOTA contacts are offered or available there I will take advantage of it.

I have sms spotting setup as my 3G access there is unreliable. Hoping for a few new S2S summits.

73 de Andrew VK1DA