VK 500 and rising

Today, Mike 2E0YYY became the first European station to achieve 500 VK contacts whilst activating Sota summits - 50 of these being s2s contacts.

This, without doubt, is due to Mike’s shear determination and dedication to the
cause - not to mention his undoubted skill as an operator and the use of the Antron antenna.

Many, many congratulations Mike - it only remains now for the rest of us to try to get within a mile of your amazing results.



Congratulations Mike, what a great achievement… Only another 500 required for the next target!

73 Victor GI4ONL

Great effort, Mickey - well done!
You are certainly prolific. I’ve only been back in VK2 for 3 days and have already worked you twice - once from the shack and today from the car.

Gerard - VK2IO

Hello Mike,

Thanks to Barry for the highlight.

Well done Mike and many congrats from me. I always tune into your spots. I can hardly ever hear you but do hear the DX calling you - gives me a good idea of the propagation 8)

Best wishes

G’Day Mike

Great stuff!

Nick G4OOE

Hi Mike

Congratulations on your achievement and for your infectious enthusiasm which persuades others to work VK in the early hours of the morning from a cold and damp summit :slight_smile:

73 de

Allan GW4VPX

congratulations Mike!
that’s a lot of carrots!

I also want to pass congrats to Mike. He provides a great service to us by being ON the bands looking for DX SOTA contacts. When he’s there others listen as well in VK & EU (I know I do).

If I checked, I guess I’ve had over 500 VK contacts from SOTA summits, but since most of my SOTA activations were in VK, you’d expect that HI!

73 Ed DD5LP.

Thanks all.

The VK Chasers have been absolutly brilliant, especially with their spotting service which is second to none. It’s their enthusiasm to work the G/Europe summits which has motivated me and the other G/Europe activators to get out in the early mornings.

With the 20m band still open to VK at 0945 UK local time yesterday, there’s no need for 0400 local time alarm calls to work the DX at the moment.

With my first taste of winter conditions yesterday, maybe things may start slow down a little now :frowning:

Hopefully, a few more Activators will be encouraged to go out and work the higher frequencies in the Spring and Summer, to give the VK/W chasers more uniques.

It’s been my experience, that working DX from a SOTA summit, is about as much fun that you can possibly have with a radio.

73 Mike

Hi Ed,

Thanks for the call and spots yesteday. It’s amazing how may people listen to SOTA activations. Working the 2m band regularly as I did from G/SP-004 a few years ago, there were plenty of Chasers who called in and then spent a lot of time listening.

73 Mike

Many congrats, Mickey! That is a veritable achievement.

I have not made as many as 500 VK contacts in the whole 54 years that I’ve been licensed. There’s only one thing for it .,… I’ll have to get an Antron vertical!



Cheers, Walt…

6 month waiting list :wink:

73 Mike

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Congrats Mike. Very impressive achievement. Keep the carrots coming…

73s Angel

Hi Mike,
Congratulations. I can see the awards manager thinking up a new award for the indefatigable activator.

While I can work EU stations almost non-stop via LP when the band is open, working a SOTA station is much more challenging than someone with 5 elements and a kW on their own peak.

It is currently possible to work an EA station on 40 m with 9+ signals. He has a very big impressive antenna and transmitter to match, (all up a very notable and admirable achievement) but there is no way you could move that station in a pantechnicon let alone in packs to a SOTA peak.

I spent over a year spasmodically looking for overseas SOTA activators before I actually found one I could copy. It’s all about timing and activation in the right location with the right equipment.

Mike you are the reference for putting out a reliable signal. If I can’t hear you, the band isn’t open.

Its been a pleasure to help boost the number of QSO’s and am looking forward to many more.



Hi Ron,
How things have moved on in the SOTA Community!

I can remember only a couple of years ago, when working a VK station from a summit was newsworthy a event.

As for any suggestion of qualifying a summit with four VK contacts, that would have been considered grounds for a trip to the funny farm :wink:

But that’s the fun of Amateur Radio, experimenting and working out the best time and place to work the DX and seeing how the goal posts are continually being moved.

Thanks for the flowers, Ron.

The pleasure has been all mine.

73 Mike

That’s the beauty of SOTA, you can achieve it at home: 1Kw, 3el Yagi, or you can do it the other way:
Ian’s VK5CZ, lost on the middle of nowhere down there in Australia

The other fool’s, mine, at less than 1km of a city of 300.000 unh.

The results:

Is it not magic? :slight_smile:

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Hi Mike,
The very first time I used my DD5LP callsign was from a summit (as I had no home gear, it was in storage at the time waiting for me to find a house here). The activation started with 5 VK contacts - two of them S2S. Date:20/Apr/2014 Summit:DL/BE-094 (Irschenhausen) Call Used:DD5LP/P

Then I also worked Ron later on in the same activation. All on 5W of SSB and a linked dipole at 6m AGL. Yes I know, this sounds like showing off, but going back to the people who said it’s not possible to work VK from EU on 5w SSB and a dipole (you must use CW), had a sweet taste indeed!

73 Ed.

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Congratulations Mike, magnificent achievement. I may be wrong, but I have an inkling that the first person to work VK from a SOTA activation was John GW4BVE, way back. Something in the back of my mind anyway, and either 10m or 15m rings a bell.

I agree with your comment about the fun to be had Mickey as well. Great stuff.

WOW Mike that,s some going.
Jolly well done that man :grinning:
