Vienna SOTA day spring '13 - Sunday, May 26th 2013

Dear SOTA regulars,

On May, 26 SOTA enthusiasts in Austria will activate 7 (or more) summits in and around Vienna. Some of us will be on air on HF, virtually everyone on 2m.

I collected some information about the event on this page. Maybe some other people in Austria will also be on a summit without being on the list (this was the case last year).

We will spot ourselves (or hopefully get spotted) on Sotawatch and some of us have already placed their alerts.

The action should take place from late morning until late afternoon, the exact times are up to the activators.

Weather conditions will be interesting (rainy from time to time, 13-16 degrees centigrade during daytime). I hope the conditions are good enough for a lot of QSOs.

I’d be glad to meet you on air

73 es gd dx

OE1RHC, Reinhard

In reply to OE1RHC:
Hallo Reinhard!

I will be QRV from Bisamberg OE/NO-194 on VHF/HF including 6m (portable moxon).

Hope the wind will not be as strong as forecasted - hi.

Looking forward many s2s qso’s.

73 de Chris, OE3CHC