VIDEO: Snowshoe hike and sending Happy New Year 2024 wishes

Hello everyone,

This time I will take you along on a snowshoe hike to Eibleck OE/SB-336.
Just some days before the end of the year 2023 I hiked up starting in the green valley but switched to snow shoes at about 1000 m above sea level.
Following the ridge over to the summit with nice views to the mountains in Salzburg and the low-lands of Upper Austria made it a fine experience.
Mild wx conditions gave enough time to wish everyone a Happy New Year on 2m FM and 40 + 20m SSB.

Hope you enjoy the little video report:

QSO featured in video with @OE6MHO @OE5DZL @OE5REO @LX1FP and @OE5PGM

And some pictures:

View up to summit Eibleck

View with the city of Hallein near Salzburg in the valley

Nice shiny summit cross

Sunny operating position found

Snack and tea :+1:

View over to Wieserhörndl OE/SB-432

I wish everyone a Happy New Year 2024!
All the best and safe hikes.

73 Joe


Happy New Year 2024


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Hi Joe, thanks for your video and report. Hope you have had a great year and wish you happy 2023

take care,

Geoff vk3sq

Hallo Joe!

WĂĽnsche auch Dir alles Gute fĂĽr 2024 und freue mich schon auf gemeinsame Unternehmungen.

vy 73, Franz

Hi Joe,

thanks for the video … always nice to hear how my signal is received “on the other end”. Also added a link to your video on my webpage.

73 and HNY de
Martin, OE5REO

Hi Joe,
thanks for your video and planty of others.
I wish Happy New Year and all best to OE5 group.

73 Michal OM1ALT

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Vielen Dank Franz. Dir ebenso. Viel SpaĂź beim kommenden Urlaub in EA8.

I see already a nice collection on your page. Audio sounds great (the KX2 speaker is not great in that regard - hi - but it works well).

Thanks Michal. Also to you and your family. Hope to meet again.

73 Joe