VIDEO: Snowfall and summit radio on OE/OO-283 by Joe OE5JFE

Hello SOTA friends,

This time I will take you on a winter hike without blue skys but constant snowfall making it a very special winterwonder land.
Summit is Hochplettspitz OE/OO-283 - only a 4 pointer so no winter bonus in OE - although deserved I would say. But not a reason not to enjoy it.

After an ascend of 600 m we reached the summit with temperatures around -7°C. So only a short activation on 2m FM. Sorry to the chasers hoping to reach me on HF. So expect some Austrian-German QSO - hi.

But you can activate the subtitle auto-translation to English as I have added German subtitles it should work fine. And incase you wonder what Mahlzeit is? That’s a greeting we use around lunch time. Wishing a good appetite or like the french Bon Appetit.

Some pictures:
Fountain near the starting point

Walking in fresh snow. No trace before us

Summit benches but no use today

And the summit cross

Operating conditions

2m FM with handheld and logging with VK-Port-a-log and stylus pen

And the video:

Hope you enjoy!
73 de Joe


Hello Joe @OE5JFE and Diana.

A really nice winter activation :snowflake: Yes, it must have been cold and not only Diana wanted to go further hi hi. Thanks for the report :+1: All the best and see you soon.

73 Marcel DM3FAM

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Hello Joe OE5JFE and Diana. Thanks for another great video report of your activation with photos too. :+1: :grinning:

Geoff vk3sq

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Wow powder snow. :snowman_with_snow:

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Many thanks. Very nice video. :slight_smile:


Thanks :sweat_smile:

It was to cold to build a snowman but maybe another time - hi hi.

73 Joe


Von dk Joe, für die sehr schönen Bilder aus dem Pulverschnee,
Beste 73‘

Danke Paul für die schöne Rückmeldung. Bin auch sehr zufrieden mit dem Video. Und nicht das alle meinen das Wetter ist immer blauer Himmel und Sonnenschein in OE - hi.

73 Joe

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Very pretty. Very winter.

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