VIDEO: Snow shoe activation of Pleschberg, OE/ST-185

Hello everyone,

This time I will take you on a hike to Pleschberg OE/ST-185 in the northern parts of Styria in Austria.
Because of the very mild January not much snow left over at lower elevations. Carried my snow shoes about 500 vertical meters up and did the remaining 500m utilizing them.

This summit was only actived two times before which is a bit strange. I can recommened it because the views are great. For me it was a SOTA complete because I worked Martin @OE5REO on his activation.

Bluebird wx and appart from the nice number of contacts on 40m and 20m also some 10m contacts to CT made the activation good fun.

But see for yourself:

And some pictures:

View up to summit from my parking spot

Short break to enjoy the view and put snow shoes on

Last strech to summit on snow and ice covered ridge

Summit cross reached

Activation ongoing

Great views to Gesäuse National parc

QSO map

Hope you enjoy.

73 Joe


Cool video Joe … amazing how different SOTA can be in different parts of the world. My limited experience has all been in the southeastern US (W4C) so most of the time we are NOT above the tree line. I subbed your channel and looking forward to future episodes!

Thanks Chris for the kind feedback and subscribing my channel.
There is quite a list of adventures already there from the recent years - hi. Next one is already recorded and needs editing.

Yes Chris, Joe “raises the bar” on SOTA activation complexity.

Joe: I included your 2023 activations of Keeskogel und GroBvenediger in a presentation to a local ham club, from my own 2023 trip to Oesterreich.

“SOTA Activators with guy-lines” are not common, and I wanted to share that, and other aspects of those activations with local SOTA/Funk_amateur folks.

Another great video production, Joe.

73 de Sevim, WB8BHN


Cool - looking forward to it! Check out our channel (Two Old Men in the Woods) when you get a chance; although our peaks are not as impressive as yours, we try to tell a good story.

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