Video report: OE5JFE on Windhagkogel OE/OO-070

Hello everyone,

This time a video from my activation of Windhagkogel OE/OO-070 a 4 point summit in the center of Upper Austria OE/OO.
Usually I do the traverse up to Hochsalm OE/OO-063 and continue on to this summit but in May the path was closed - and it begun to rain - so I needed to cancel my plans.
This time WX was very nice. And some 10m and 12m activity plus 20m DX to New York with a corona special contest station W2I/STAYHOME made a very interesting activation.
The audio in the video is this time slightly different arranged than ususal. Longer but less QSO and a list of all the contacts in a mid-credit scene.


and some pictures:

QSO map:

Hope you find it interesting.

73 de Joe


Great video Joe as usual , always enjoy your videos.

Lovely looking summit, some nice conditions and a few well know call signs in your log.


John VK6NU

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Great movie. Beautiful views of the Alps. I enjoyed watching it a lot. Joe, thanks for your work.

Thanks a lot Marat.
I enjoy your videos too. Great to see all the beautiful landscapes.

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