VIDEO: OE5JFE winter activation of Lahngangkogel OE/ST-394

Hello everyone,

Please join my last activation in the year 2022 to Lahngangkogel OE/ST-394 near the monestary town of Admont. Unfortunatly the mild weather around Christmas removed a lot of snow but but there was plenty available at higher altitudes.
A fairly moderate hike using the microspikes on solid overfrozen snow and the popular summit made it very enjoyable to reach.
This time brought the Endfed antenna for 40/20/15/10m to give the chasers in OE/OO a chance to reach me (mountains inbetween so not much chance for 2m FM.) on 40m NVIS.

Here the video:

And some pictures:
View to (Admonter) Kalbling (former SOTA summit - Sparafeld has the dominance)

Klinke Hütte cabin infront

Looking back down

View from summit plateau

Operating position

Endfed as sloper

I hope you enjoyed the little adventure.
73 de Joe


Dear Joe,
once again, a very professional and entertaining video. :clap: :+1: Thanks for sharing. :hugs:
73 de Peter, DM7KN