VIDEO: OE5JFE on Stumpfmauer OE/OO-223

Hello everyone,

In this video I will take you along the activation of Stumpfmauer OE/OO-223. It was only the third activation of this summit because it is a bit of drive via OE/NO.

This time hiking in a group of 5 in the fresh green of spring time on forest path and reaching the rough rock formation on top.
Three S2S contact with the newcomer activation team on Sternstein lead by Daniel @OE5HDX. Michael @OE5AOO was using the 2m J-Pole build during a workshop I gave for for SOTA newcomers. Worked UFB :+1:

Later I managed to reach Andrew @VK1AD with S2S to Hochsalm OE/OO-063. He was teaming up with Sylvia @OE5YYN and Herbert @OE9HRV during his vacation in OE. Thanks for the nice QSO and feedback. We will have an eyeball QSO at Friedrichshafen if everything works out.

Here the video:

And some pictures:

73 de Joe


Nice video Joe, great editing. Austria looks really nice and green in the spring, I envy you.

The only thing I had trouble with was understanding your German. That Austrian accent still cracks me up every time, but that’s no wonder because I lived in northern Germany.

Schöne Grüße aus Taiwan.

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Thank you Hans for watching.

I can fully understand that the local Austrian dialect is hard to understand but fortunatly there is quite an active crowd of SOTA activators and chasers in the area so I am happy to share also some local 2m QSO in my videos.
I got the feedback from newcomers that it is helpfull to see how things work on the summit. And I can say the same as videos by Christian OE5HCE (he is making SOTA videos since more than 10 years) helped me in the same way.

Vielleicht klappt es ja mal S2S. Das wäre eine Überraschung

73 Joe


Mit hilfe der Sonne wird es sicher einmal klappen! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the video Joe. Interesting to hear Andrew VK1AD at your end. I’ve passed the link on to the local VK1s on our VK1 SOTA mailing list.

73 Ian VK1DI


Hi Ian,

Thanks a lot for sharing the news :+1:

73 Joe